Ohana Means Family

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The ship was flying towards the atmosphere.

At this point it was fair to say that Mahina's plan had fallen apart. Come on, who could've known that she'd be abducted by aliens today? Who plans for that kind of problem?! Well besides Mahina who knew well and good- it'd just come as a surprise okay?! She'd just escaped being blown up.

That being said- Mahina had closer dangers before. She was still standing! Good for her!

She was just really hoping she'd get to fly in the red spaceship today...damn.

To her left, Mahina heard a sniffle. She turned to see her fellow abductee clutching tight to a half burned photo. Lilo had tears in her eyes, just beginning to drip onto her cheeks. Mahina winced as Lilo began to curl into a ball to hide her quiet sobs.


Now Mahina felt guilt.

When she was a proper adult, would guilt go away? Cause this feeling sucked.

She hoped so.

Mahina sat down in the glass jar. She pressed her feet against the front to keep herself from being tossed about. Her back pushed against the other side. She could only hope it would be enough. She had a bigger issue right now.

She had to show empathy.

She was 26, she didn't understand empathy!

Oh Author she's doomed.

Mahina opened her mouth, ready to say anything. You know, probably about how these aliens probably weren't going to eat them or lay eggs inside of them. Even if they were then maybe they'd be killed before the eggs were laid!

(She's bad at things like comfort too- crying was going on, she's not at her best)

Before she could get that utterly ridiculous statement out, a red metal wing poked out from the clouds.

Mahina poked Lilo's arm. The little girl curled tighter in her ball, still sobbing.

"It's another ship!" Mahina told her.

Lilo's sobs quieted. She turned her head, just as the sounds of it's engine hit them. Both girls sat up on their knees, pressing their palms against the glass.

The red ship came up over the cloudline. Mahina spotted Stitch in the window. Beside him stood Pleakley.

Stitch waved at them. Pleakley was nervously fretting, rubbing his hand on the side of his face. If he had any hair, he'd be pulling it out.

Lilo waved back at Stitch.

Mahina stared at Pleakley in confusion. Was...was he showing concern?

Forgetting crying. At least crying people only focused on themselves. Concerned people focused on you- which was arguably worse.

The red ship moved to fly alongside Gantu's ship. Mahina watched the ship veer off, still very confused at Pleakley's wave. What had that been about?

She then quickly realized what it meant for Jumba's ship to be there. She braced herself again, pushing herself into a 'locked' position. Just in time for the ship to tilt. Lilo screamed, falling to the other side. Mahina had barely kept herself in place.

Mahina usually loved flying in airplanes. Even when there was turbulence, she enjoyed it. This wasn't turbulence it was bullshit!

Gantu titled his ship the other way. Lilo fell onto Mahina. The girl in blue lost her grip, falling against the other side. Vengeance was had when the ship tilted the other way. Mahina was certain she'd bruised something on her landing. On herself and on Lilo.

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