Waving Through a Window

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The hula class was starting.

Mahina stood outside, watching the lesson begin.

Deciding to follow the hula class had been one of sorta kinda deep thought. On one hand, it let Mahina watch the other kids her age.

She had no supplies like a normal hula student would have, so that meant she needed to improvise. She took some tall leaves off of bushes, tying them together (using other leaves) until a skirt was fashioned. She was able to use an old t-shirt she'd found in the garbage. Her hula halo was actually the hardest bit, though Mahina liked to think she got away easy on that one. She made a daisy chain, but without the flowers.

This long tale ends with Mahina standing beside a window to the hula class, watching the lesson taking place.

Mahina stood in the first position of the dance. She followed the beat with a tap of her foot.

The moves were easily to replicate. Some hand movements, which Mahina enjoyed doing. The feet movements were a bit tough to follow at first but Mahina caught.

Mahina followed the movements of the other girls, being careful not to lag behind. She didn't have the advantage of a teacher watching for corrections. Everything she did wrong she had to self-correct.

While dancing Mahina sang along her breath. She had no idea what the words really meant, nothing at all. She enjoyed it all the same- all the fun she was having.

She enjoyed dancing.

Mahina barely acknowledged Lilo's presence on stage. She giggled to herself.

The dance was coming to a close. Mahina made sure to keep extra close eye on the last moves, not tripping on her feet or something on the ground.

The music cut off. Mahina struck the final pose.

"He Inoa No Kalani Kalakaua. Kulele." Mahina recited.

As soon as she did, there as screaming coming from the dance hall. Mahina winced. She stood up on her tiptoes, pushing open the window. It creaked- the old wood not agreeing with the 'quiet' plan. Mahina grabbed the wooden barriers of the window to halt it.

Thankful the screaming hula dancers covered the sound of the creaking window.

"Stop. Stop." The instructor assured. His students froze, stopping their high pitched screams. Well, all except Lilo, who had neither fallen nor screamed. "Lilo, why are you all wet?"

"It's sandwich day." Lilo stated plainly. Everyone gave her blank stares back. Lilo sighed deeply. "Every Thursday, I take Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich." She clarified.

Mahina winced.

"Pudge is a fish?" The instructor asked.

"And today we were out of peanut butter!" Lilo went on. She was more distressed from the sandwich than being late for class. Which, given her reasoning, made sense. "So I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can't give Pudge tuna!" Lilo leaned in towards the instructor. "Do you know what tuna is?"

The instructor winced, already knowing he wouldn't like whatever it was that Lilo said it what would follow. Mahina knew what she would say, she barely liked it. "Fish?"

"It's fish!" Lilo yelled. "If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter 'cause all we have is-is stinkin' tuna!" She ranted.

Mahina had to give Lilo credit. That explanation did make sense.

"Lilo, Lilo." The instructor spoke up to calm the girl done. Lilo took a deep breath. She also fixed her hula hat. "Why is this so important?"

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