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There's a bit of Chinese in this, from asking my friend, so hopefully, it's used in the right way, forgive if not.


The audible sigh left my lips.

Where do I start...? So there's this guy who I'm secretly in love with.  He's sweet, kind, funny, not to forget he has amazing looks, but that's where it starts to suck... Like the cliché, he doesn't know I exist-... well actually he does. He's best friends with my best friend, so yeah, he knows of me- not nearly well as I would like, but what can you do?

What can you do when you love him so much- yet he'd never think of loving you back? 

Oh Kwon Soonyoung, why can't you notice that I'm hopelessly in love with you? How can everyone else notice, yet you can't? 

"Sunhee?" A quiet voice breaks my thoughts as I look over to my best friend, Xu Minghao. He was the best friend I mentioned, my best friend and his other best friend just so happens to be Kwon Soonyoung. My crush for as long as I can remember. I send him a confused look, and he turns his head slightly matching my gaze. "You okay?" He asks, and I only nod and hum as a reply. He lets out a sigh, before placing his head on his palm as he continues to look at me. "You thinking again?"

I smile a sheepish smile, unable to deny his question. He knew me too well anyway, so how could I lie?

He rolls his eyes, before moving suddenly and messing with my hair.

"You need to stop that" I huff, moving to fix my hair in the refection of my phone that sat on the table.

"Well, you need to stop thinking so much" Minghao snaps back, sending me a look that was basically saying 'I'm right so don't try and deny it'. Rolling my eyes this time, I let out a sigh and moves my gaze from Minghao to the TV that sat in front of us.

An episode of Strong Women Do Bong Soon was playing on the screen, it was a new drama that I couldn't wait for, my reason why? One name- Park Hyung Sik. That beautiful beautiful man! He was playing an owner of a gaming company who starts to fall in love with a very strong woman called Do Bong Soon- who had her super strength since birth. There had only been a few episodes out so far, so I wanted to watch them all at once.

"You zoned out like two episodes ago" Minghao states, his gaze now set also on the TV. I let out a whine, scrunching my face up.


"Yep" He replies, popping the p.

"老朋友 (lao peng you) (Old friend)" I start to pout, but Minghao instantly cuts me off.


"But-..." He cuts me off again.

"No, you only act like this when you want something, I know you too well Kim Sunhee, so there's no chance you can get what you want" I continue to pout, crossing my arms over my chest, glaring at him slightly. He stays silent, looking over at me for a second before rolling his eyes once again and turns away. "And don't glare at me either, I'm not rewatching the two episodes you've missed"

"But how am I going to know what's going on!" I exclaim, but Minghao declines to look at me.

"Well you're just going to have to figure it out"

I roll my eyes and get up from my position of leaning up against the sofa. Keeping my arms crossed over my chest, I start to head over to the kitchen. I hear him let out a sigh before he mumbles of him getting up himself.

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