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                          Emmas pov
Today I'm going to the nail salon with tara because she's been sick ( this is two days after birth) i do not know what happened to her she just started to get really sick
(Her right now)

                          Emmas pov Today I'm going to the nail salon with tara because she's been sick ( this is two days after birth) i do not know what happened to her she just started to get really sick (Her right now)

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(My outfit)

( Tara's outfit)

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( Tara's outfit)

After I got me and tara ready we are off to the nail salon *skip nail salon*I got back home and seen tanner and Conner sleeping so I put tara down in there room then picked up Conner and put him in there room

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After I got me and tara ready we are off to the nail salon
*skip nail salon*
I got back home and seen tanner and Conner sleeping so I put tara down in there room then picked up Conner and put him in there room

After I got me and tara ready we are off to the nail salon *skip nail salon*I got back home and seen tanner and Conner sleeping so I put tara down in there room then picked up Conner and put him in there room

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After putting the twins to bed I went to go cuddle with tanner

Im sorry for how short this was but I'll do a better one at 5:00 PST
Because I live in Canada so ill work on the next part on the way to Niagara Falls so be ready for a new part coming out

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