21. "You're in my heart."

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"This happened the night of the Winter Dance?" Louie asked and I slowly nodded.

"I can't leave her. No matter how badly I want to see you run." I sighed because I was so torn.

I turned my head, looking over at Louie who laid in the grass next to me, we were laying underneath the bleachers near the track field.

He lightly smiled as his found mine, "You're a good friend." He said and I chuckled as I leaned onto my elbows.

"I'll miss you." I spoke as I placed my hand on his chest and he gently wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

"Trust me, I'll miss you much more." He spoke softly, looking away from the cracks of sky and up at me.

"I do expect you to give me a proper goodbye tomorrow at the train station." He said and I sighed with a small smile, "I wish you could stay for just a little longer." I pouted.

"I'll send you a postcard of beautiful California for your birthday." I smiled because his birthday was in about a month.

"Just tell me you're okay, tell me you miss me, tell me that we'll end up together, tell me you love me." He spoke softly, lightly playing with my hair, that last part caught me off guard.

I exhaled slowly, "I'll tell you." I promised him before he sat up onto his elbows and kissed me softly.

As we kissed, the school bell rang loud enough so that we could hear it.

We both sighed as we broke apart and then stood to our feet, we dusted ourselves off, "Promise me you'll be there tomorrow." He begged, like he needed me to show up.

"I'll be there. I promise." I said before I kissed the edge of his lips and then I ran back to school, getting into class just in the nick of time.


I pushed through the crowd, worried because I overslept.

I was almost positive I missed Louie.

The crowd was overbearing and near impossible to get through, and there was a barrier with police officers standing on the other side so Louie had the whole boardwalk to say goodbye to his family.

I tried to convince the officers I was needed but they didn't believe me, they probably thought I was another crazy teenage girl.

Mrs. Zamperini pulled me from the crowd, assuring the officers I was supposed to be with them.

She hugged me tightly, probably worried for her son traveling so far from home all by himself.

"He's left, hasn't he?" I sighed sadly as she held my shoulders.

"He's held the train up for an extra few minutes, he's waiting for you." She smiled and I looked up at her, my heart racing.

She nodded and I looked down the walkway to see Louie walking out of the station, checking his stopwatch before he anxiously looked left and right.

His eyes fell on me, relief washed over him and he slightly smiled.

I smiled before walking quickly towards him, I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.

I inhaled deeply, breathing him in.

We broke apart enough to look at each other, "You clean up good, Zamperini." I smiled as I held his face in my hands, his hair was pushed back as he wore a suit.

Tears threatened to spill as I looked at this man who very well could be the love of my life

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Tears threatened to spill as I looked at this man who very well could be the love of my life.

"You look breathtaking, Sunshine." He spoke breathlessly and I smiled, because he had a heart of gold.

" He spoke breathlessly and I smiled, because he had a heart of gold

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"I'm so sorry I'm late." I said lightly sniffling.

"You're here." He assured me and I smiled.

"So, this is it. You're leaving." I said glancing at the train that whistled.

"Last chance to hop on board with me." He lightly smirked and I chuckled.

"Why would I come? You're not going to win." I smirked as I walked down the train platform.

"Sure. I know that. That's all right. Four years' time, next Olympics, that's when I show them." Louie said as he carried his suitcase, on his way to the Olympic tryouts.

"Tokyo?" I smiled as we stopped where he had to board the train, "Tokyo." He faced me.

(Connected the first chapter and this one together 😎)

1 month later

'Dear Zamperini,
I listened to you become an Olympian.
I'm so proud of you.

I'm writing to tell you I'm okay, but I miss you terribly. I'm not sure if we'll ever cross paths again, but I wanted to tell you that I do love you.

I love you.

I couldn't spit it out at the train station but I can't stop saying it now. I can't breathe or eat without you around. I want you to come home but I know you're living your dream.

I'm sure you've heard, but war has broken out. And I'm joining the Air Force.

I'm leaving in two days, on the 3rd. I don't know if I'll ever see you again, and if I do, I'll fall in love with you all over again.

You're apart of me, Louie. You always will be. You're in my heart.

Don't bother responding, I'll be shipped from place to place for my surgical training and then my combat training.

I love you.

I wish I had the chance to say that in person.

Love always, Sunshine.'

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