Encyclopedia of a Vampire

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***Ladies and gentleman! This chapter will be a little different from all the rest! You will be reading the book that Em is reading! A book inside a book, I hope you enjoy- Loves***

April 19, 1591

To whom it may concern,

This story is about my life almost 25 years ago, in this I will combine my notes from 1566 to this horrific tale.

My name is Sebastian Blackwell, I am a medical physician working in Stratford-Upon-Avon. There are many plagues that haunt this town, many people die and little recover. However, one of my patients miracle stood out to me. He was dying of the bubonic plague, only about half of the people who catch this horrible disease survive. Some of symptoms include, high fever, delirium, and convulsions, but once the infection hits the lungs or blood the victim dies within hours. This man had hours left, maybe even minutes! His symptoms showed the worst and he was sure to die. I made him comfortable and left the room for maybe 5 minutes. When I returned, he was covered in blood and my assistant was dead.

I didn't understand what had happened, until later.

The man's name was Romeo Montague, long story short his best friend, Mercutio was a blood sucker.

On Romeo's death bed Mercutio turned Romeo into an undead blood sucker. I know what you are thinking, undead? Yes, the undead exists.

This curse or medical miracle became what I lived for. I needed to study it, to figure out what caused it! How could he be alive after such a disease had ran through his body? Was he even alive? What could he do in this undead state? I had to know everything.

Right so,

My assistant lay dead on the floor, her neck was dripping with blood. And behind her was Romeo, blood fell from his mouth. Standing next to Romeo was a smug looking Mercutio, he was proud or happy at what he had just accomplished.

I gasped at the scene before me.

Within seconds I was yelling for guards, who were outside watching the quarantined building, so no one would come in and out, without my say so. The guards flew into the room, and I yelled at them to grab the killers. The men did as they were told and ran up to the best friends grabbing their hands, but Mercutio was stronger than everyone and tossed them away. Romeo was a new blood sucker and didn't have the strength that Mercutio had.

So, here's how it went down. Mercutio escaped the guards and jumped out the window, the way he came in. But Romeo, he was captured and would later become my prisoner and test subject.

I'm sure you all have heard the tale of Romeo and Juliet by: Shakespeare himself! We all knew that Shakespeare was a fabulous writer and would be popular (But I am merely assuming here). So, you all have heard the horrific tale, Juliet takes a magical potion that stops her heart, which later Romeo finds out she has died. Then Romeo stabs himself for her because he cannot live without his perfect flower. As Juliet awakes she realizes he has killed himself, she takes the dagger and runs it through her own heart.

Its truly tragic, unless you knew what really happened.

Romeo Montague:

Age: 19 Sex: Male

Height: 5' 11" Weight: 86 kg (195 lbs.)

Test patient was just turned, into an undead blood sucker. His first kill was my assistant, Lily, he drank approximately 5 liters of her blood. Meaning, he sucked her dry. The guards have locked him up in one of the cells downstairs so that I can observe his behaviors, I shall begin tomorrow.

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