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Word count: 812
  "Irene, we have someone to see you, they have some questions that might make you move orphanages." I was told. I nod. Acknowledging I heard her, not really caring though. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door frame, even thought the doors open. I look from the window, there is an older man. He had a long white beard, and very strange purple robes. He looks at me wth grey green eyes. "Irene, that is you, right?" He questions. "Yes." I say quietly. "Do you ever, make things happen, when you are angry, scared or sad?" He asks like he's asked that a million times. I look at him strangely. "Sometimes, like the other night, Amber was bullying me because of my hair, when she woke up her hair was insane, almost like a birds nest. Or when I was younger, when I was being moved to a new orphanage, I was very angry and a chandelier fell, just as I was looking at it. Of course, all these are just coincidences, aren't they?" I answer, not sure if myself. "Not everything is as it seems Irene." He says. "I'll tell you a secret of mine, I am a wizard." I look at him like he's crazy. "No you're not." I say chuckling. "Now that's where you are wrong, and you ma'am might just be a witch." He says. He goes on about the whole thing and eventually I'm walking to his car. We go with my little belongings to a smaller orphanage. "This is a magical orphanage. You'll be starting school if adopted in September." The man, who told me he is Dumbledore, says. I continue in and am greeted at the front by a woman. "I'll take you to your room." Her screechy voice rings. I look around at the other children who where currently eating. "We have some people looking today so you're just in time." She smiles. "This is your room, you share it with another young girl named Alexandria." She says. I nod and go to the made bed. I put my stuff in and on the nightstand. I get into a pair of skinny jeans and a blue sweater. I nervously walk down the stairs and stand at the bottom. I pull the sleeves of the sweater over my hands. I see children talking then all go quiet as a bell in wrung. "Come on dear, down to the dining hall." A sweet blonde lady says from behind me. I walk down to the tables and stand to the side. "We have a family with many kids looking for someone who was raised in non-magic ways, I know it's a strange request, but one of them research's muggles. So if anyone wants lots of siblings you can stay down here, otherwise go upstairs and enjoy extra curricular activities." The woman with a screechy voice said. I stay down, wanting any chance to have a family I can get. Two people walk in, both with bright red hair. They immediately look at me and wave. There are only 6 out of the 30 people down here. They slowly take children and interview them, of course I'm last. I walk in with them. "Hello dear, what's you name." The woman asks. "I'm Irene Colcorut." I say. "You're a Colcorut? That explains why you where orphaned." The man says sadly. "You knew my parents." I say excited. "We knew of you're parents. But we'll get into that later." The woman says. "By the way, I'm Molly and this is Arthur." Molly says. I smile. "So how old are you?" Molly asks. We go through many other questions and they learn all about me and what happened today. They tell me about there kids and that they have a youngest named Ginny, and 6 boys. "Well thank you for talking to us." Molly says. "My pleasure." I respond. They walk out and I go to my room. Awaiting the results. I'm on edge, I try to get through my book as I wait anxiously, I've read this book many times, it's called The Witch On The Hill. I heard there are more, but I only have this one. I hear a knock on the door, and my 'roommate' opens it. "Irene." The blonde lady says looking at me. I nod. "Molly would like to speak to you." She says. I walk out. "Hello Irene, we where wondering if you'd like to come home with us tomorrow?" She asks excited. "Of course." I grin widely and give her a hug. She waves and they leave. I repack my items again and set them at the edge of my bed, get into comfortable clothing, and lay down. When I wake up tomorrow I'll finally have a family.
I hope this was at least slightly enjoyable :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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