Chapter 15- Feelings

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A little while after Will's surgery...


Will, Mike, Eleven, Max, and Lucas rode their bikes down the street to Dustin's house.

Will watched Eleven and Mike ride together, jealous.

He couldn't do anything to stop it, which killed.

Turns out Lucas noticed and pulled him aside.

"Keep going guys! We'll meet you there!"

"What's up?" Will knew, just didn't feel like saying.

"Will, you got to stop being jealous... it's never gonna happen, I'm sorry."

Will nodded, "it's hard, you know?"

"Yeah, I know," Lucas put his arm around his friend, "now lets go."


Will doesn't think I notice, I do. I mean he's been my best friend forever, we really need to talk.

Lucas was talking to Will, while the others were riding to the Henderson's.

Mike felt how El had put her arms around his torso, and rested her head against his back.

He loved her, and wouldn't stop.



The kids got to Dustin's house about 5 minutes later.

When they got there they kind of just crowded in the living room while Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were making dinner.

Will hadn't even said a word to anyone since they got there, which was kind of normal because he is the quiet one.

Dustin just shrugged it off.

Max looked pretty. She got a bit dressed up for dinner, which was cute.

She always knows how to impress.

I caught Lucas looking at her too, then we made awkward eye contact....

We both have a crush on her. I think at least.

"Does anyone want to take Puck out?"

Max raises her hand straight away and grabs the chocolate lab's leash.

"I'll come too," Lucas speaks up.

Dustin frowns for half a second, "okay, make sure your back in 10."


Max looks back to see Lucas struggling to keep up with her and the dog, "hurry up slowpoke!"

He smiles as I pull on Puck's leash to slow him down.

She tucks the strand of hair that fell from her ponytail behind her ear.



He turns towards her, "I was wondering if you would want to go to the arcade with me tomorrow after school?"

"Sure!" She smiles.

He smiles at the ground as they circle back are around to Dustin's house for dinner.


I named the dog after Puck from Glee


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