The question

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Niall's POV:

I love Sky with all my heart, I just hope she feels the same way about me. She isn't perfect, that makes her perfect. I decided to maybe ask her out. If she showed more affection today.

She showed up in the living room wearing a short lacy dress with a leather jacket, converse and a beanie.

She looked good. Really good!

"Somebody looks hot!" I smiled.

Sky blushed, her rosy checks melting my heart.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the sofa and put my arm around her.

Skylar's POV:

I love Niall , he is the most friendly, nice, attractive boy I had ever met. I just hope he feels the same way.

With his arm around my waist I felt I could do anything.

I pulled him into a warm embrace. We stayed in that position for what seemed like the best moment of my life so far.

We let go and held hands. He played with my fingers.

I wanted to kiss him really badly but I managed to resist.

"Sky?" He said.

"Yes Babe" I answered.

"W-Will y-you g-go o-out w-with me?" he stuttered.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

At this moment I knew how truly, madly, deeply I loved him.

He pulled me in for a kiss...

Truly,madly, deeply (niall horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now