Dodge ball

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Niall's POV:

"you have got to have your medicine" I said to Sky.

"No!" she refused.

"yes!!" I yelled.

"I will only have medicine if we play dodge ball, OUTSIDE" she said crossing her arms.

"fine but only for ten minutes" I gave in.

I would make her pay, BIG TIME! I put got a ball from the joke store that you put liquid in it then the person throwing wouldn't get wet but the receiver would ,I put fake blood in.

Sky's POV

Yes!! I get to go outside! I ran outside and let the fresh air fill my lungs.Niall said I had first go I hit him! Yes!

Then blood exploded all over him and he fell to the ground. I ran over to him.

"NI NI WAKE UP!!" I screamed crying at the same time.

H-he w-was d-dead.

Then he opened his eyes and started laughing.

"you fell for it!" he giggled.

I rolled my eyes and stormed of inside.

I had my medicine.

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