Down in the Underground

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   We entered a building, one that would lead us underground. Coach stopped to read a sign before walking down the halls of said building.
   "'Under the River Tour.' Guess we're in the right spot." He spoke.
   I nodded, and entered the building further. It looked absolutely disgusting, run-down, and overall gross. I grimaced as I glanced around at my surroundings.
   "This is disgusting!" Rochelle exclaimed.
   "I agree with that. This is horrible!" I replied.
   "Geez, what did we just pay five bucks for?" Nick joked, continuing along.
   We kept walking until we came to a staircase. We went down, eventually halting because of a drop off.
   "So... who wants to go first?" I asked, looking down at the water below.
   "Personally, I nominate Ellis." Nick spoke.
Rochelle elbowed him, causing Nick to glare back at her. Everyone in the group kept staring down, nobody going first.
"God, fine. You guys are the biggest chickenshits!" I exclaimed, jumping down into the murky (and probably shit-filled) water below.
After me came Coach, Rochelle, then Ellis. Nick stayed up on the broken stairs, seemingly thinking about whether or not to stay behind.
"C'mon boy! We gotta get moving!" Coach yelled up at him.
"Fine fine! I'm coming. Assholes." Nick grumbled back, jumping down as well.
After Nick finally decided to join the rest of the group, we continued on, eventually climbing up a rusted yellow ladder and onto a platform. We walked a few feet, and stopped. A yellow gate blocked our path.
I pulled a bile bomb out of my bag, and hovered my hand above the button.
"An alarm is gonna sound, and we're gonna have to run. Everyone ready?" I asked.
The rest of the group nodded in response, and I hit the button. There were a few sparks that came from the the gate, and then it opened. All was silent for a few moments, and we jumped back down into the water, continuing on our way. Suddenly, a loud, ringing alarm sounded, startling all of us.
"Okay, time to go! Run to the saferoom!" Nick yelled out, going as fast as he could in the thick water.
Everyone soon started to run, throwing bile bombs and pipe bombs for a distraction. Everyone and everything was (mostly) okay, until we were stopped by yet another yellow gate. This time, I didn't even hesitate to push the button. An added alarm sounded, and you could just barely hear the cries of the hoarde over it.
"Shit! Let's go!" Rochelle exclaimed, throwing a bile bomb off to the side.
We shot our guns frantically as the hoarde kept coming, fighting our way to the safe room.
   "We're almost there!" I cried out to the others, excited to be safe again.
   Just then, I heard a scream. It sounded like Ellis. When I turned around to see what was wrong, I was met with the sight of a smoker's long tongue dragging him away. The rest of the group continued on, not noticing Ellis' struggle.
   "Katie! Help!" He yelled out, distressed.
   "Hold on! I'm coming!" I screamed back at him, using my Melee weapon to clear the way.
   The smoker's tongue had gotten caught, and it couldn't pull Ellis back further. By the time I got to him, the hoarde had died down a bit, and Ellis was on the brink of unconsciousness. I swung my crowbar down on the tongue, cutting it off, and freeing Ellis. I quickly grabbed my adrenaline shot and handed it to him, wanting him to use it, which he did. By the time we had fought our way to the safe room the others had settled down.
Ellis and I panted and slumped down against a wall, relieved to be safe.
"Where the hell were you two?" Nick asked us, looking down at Ellis and I.
"Smoker got me. Katie really saved my bacon." Ellis replied, as though it was nothing.
"I didn't see you get dragged off." Nick scoffed.
"It when you ran way ahead of our group, remember that Nick?" I sneered back.
"Hey, hey now! Fighting ain't gonna solve nothin'. Katie, you saved Ellis, y'all made it back okay. We're alive. That's all that matters." Coach interjected.
I nodded at him, then turned to glare at Nick, who smirked back at me.
"Whatever. Are we going to stay for the night?" I asked.
Coach shook his head.
"Nope. We gotta get goin'. We can rest for a few, but you should heal up first."
I nodded again, and reached for my health pack, patching myself up. Ellis did the same. I grabbed extra ammo, and reloaded my gun. After that, I sat back down against the wall, leaning my head back and closing my eyes to rest.

On The Road (A L4D2 Fiction) *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora