w o r d s

25 3 1

You should watch what you say. 

Sometimes, when you feel like you are seen but not heard, there but not quite, you lash out with a storm that withstands longer than you ever did with your loneliness. 


  W o r d s 


, you say. Just words







A full stop. One that doesn't begin with another sentence. One that takes you to an unforgettable ride home. One that makes you tie a knot better than the one in your throat. One that makes you tower over your small, dingy room, overlooking your chaotic kingdom. One that started with a cord around your neck, and ended with one too. One that punctuates the medical report the autopsy sent back home when they said


So yes, honey. They're just words. Except the ones that actually matter have been long gone, and the ones you say kill.

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