Love is a Losing Game {BoyxBoy}

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This Is My first story ! :D Please Critique me ! No rude comments though !! ):<

"Ugh! You guys are so lucky!" I screamed at my two best friends. We were all sitting at the lunch table and my two friends, Blake and Jamie, were kissing as usual. "Oh come on Avery! I'm pretty sure you'll find your true love someday!' said my h_e of a friend Blake. "Yeah. Just because me and Blake kiss all the time dosen't mean you never will" suggested Jamie.

I always liked Jamie she one of those friends you could always count on and could always make you happy. She was pretty inside and out. On the other hand, my friend Blake is a little different at times.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I mean it seems like everyone here is straight! And if they are gay they're those weird goth or emo people." " I hate to say it but your right. No one here is good enough to be in a relationship with you. But you know what Avery? You should aways have hope because im pretty sure you'll stumble upon your lover some day. And even if you don't, remember that I will always be here for you." Jamie said with a smile. "Awe, thanks Jamie! You always know how to cheer someone up! I Love you so much!" "Love you too. Now lets head to 6th period before we be late"

I walked into my 6th period classroom and sat down at my desk. Ugh! I hated this class so much! It's English. I HATE English! And the teacher always makes us do work! Another thing that makes it even worse is that Jamie or Blake weren't in it so I didn't have anyone else to talk to. It's so freaking annoying! You know what? Today I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing! I'm already in a bad mood so I don't really care. Dung, dung! The late bell rung, so this means this lame a_s class has started. Sigh... I wish I would've brought my phone today, it would've been at least some sort of entertainment. I guess I'll just talk to myself then. Ugh! Sometimes life is so depressing it just makes me wanna cry. I'm in freaking eleventh grade and I still haven't dated anyone. Sometimes I just wish a good-looking guy would walk up to me and be like, Hey! You're sexy, wanna date? And I'll be like Hel_ yeah Nigg_h! But I know that will never happen. *Tear,tear*. Oh my Goodness! I'm so freaking ready to go home! This class needs to hurry up! It feels like I've been here for 3 hours, but its only been ten minutes! Then some kid whispered to me "Piss! Piss!" I looked over my shoulder and saw Jack, I think that was his name, and I whispered back, "What?" He threw this note at meand I caught it. Yay! Some sort of entertainment! But who was this from? Was it from him? "Is this from you?" I asked. "No, this is from Serena. Give this note back to me at lunch tomorrow" he winked and ran back into the closet. WTF?! Why did he just run into the closet?! Is this a prank show or something? And who is Serena?! I looked at the note, I was kinda scared to open it but I did. And this is what it said: Hello my name is Serena. I don't know if you know me or not but I think your really hot. Would like to go with me? Circle Yes or No. Oh, F_ck what should I circle? I don't like her, but I don't want to let her down. I'll just circle Or. And do you have a cellphone ? If so Put your number here -------> _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _ Should I put down a fake number? I guess so. Umm? Let me think607-890-2315? I think your the cutest guy ever! I hope we will be a good couple one day. Oh and Umm... Just to let you know i'm in your third period if you don't know me. Serena Billscotch does that ring a bell? The girl with the really long,blonde hair.

Oh! Serena! I know who that is! I always wondered why she always stares at me in 3rd period. Dung, Dung! The bell just rang! Oh my goodness how long did it take me to read that note? Oh yeah I forgot all my classes are only 30 minutes long. This must've been a good day for me because we didn't do anything in Mr. Leston's class! Welp! Bye all you h_es i'm going home!


I made it home and looked at my phone, 4 unread messages. All from Blake. He was wondering why I didn't text him back in 6th period today. Me and him always text each other in 6th period. I texted him back ad feel straight asleep I didn't get any type af sleep last night.I feel asleep and woke up in the morning and did my normal morning procedures and went to school. By the time I was at lunch all I heard that day were constant murmurs about a new kid at our school. Even Jamie and Blake were talking about him. Like where is this new kid, why can't I see him or her? I walked into the lunch room and bought myself two bags of chips and a juice and sat down next to Jamie and Blake. "Are you sure you haven't saw the new kid Avery? He's a boy, and mabye Me and Jamie could get you the hook up with hi-"

"No!" I interrupted Blake "I highly doubt he's gay and he's probably not even good-looking."

"Oh, trust me he's good-looking alright! He's in my 2nd period and like every girl in the school is already giving him notes and stuff and he hasn't even been here for a day yet! And I think his name is Wyatt. I don't know, I don't remeber" Jamie said.

What Jamie said kinda made me excited. Maybe he is good-looking. I don't know, but I doubt I'll be able to date him. *Tear,tear*

"Oh." I said, not trying to sound interested. The rest of lunch I just ate my food quietly and waited for Jack to come, but he never did. Oh well. I guess I'll never be able to give this note to him. I'm kinda happy he didn't come though because Jamie and Blake would've been puncturing me with questions and I don't like that.

The whole time I was sitting there I could'nt get my mind off the new kid though. I keep wondering about him. Like, Is he gay? Will he think I'm cute? and why haven't seen him yet? All of a sudden I was interuppted from my thoughts when Jamie said, "Let's go"

Jamie and Blake ran out the door. Why did they run out the door leaving me behind again? Oh, yeah. Their probably going to the bathroom to go get freaky or something. I looked down at the table and realized that Jamie left her jacket. I grabbed it quickly, and ran after her. It was hard to find her through the crowd of people, but then I spotted her. I yelled her name like three times but she didn't turn around. You know what? F_ck it! I turned around to walk to class but then I bumped into someone. I was about to cuss them out because they bumped into me, possibly on purpose, but then I shut my mouth when I looked up I saw someone I've never seen here before. I think I just met the new kid, Wyatt.

Sorry this chapter was so boring! I just didn't want to give off that much information! :D And I had Writer's Block but I Still made it for you Guys ! (: You Know why? Because I Love you all ! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 And I'm also sorry for all the profanity ! I just like to spice my writting sometmes thats all ^__^ # Vote and Comment Please ! (: <33

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