Chapter 2: I was talking to myself

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Anna stood up sighing, pulling out her phone from her pocket. She saw 21 missed calls and 10 messages from Alex. She bit her bottom lip and swallowed dryly. It suddenly dawned on her that she basically stormed out of the coffeeshop when the incident happened and totally lost track of time. She unlocked her phone and tapped Alex's name on the screen.

"ANNA! O MY GOD! WHERE ARE YOU? I WAS WORRIED SICK! I CAME IN THE SHOP TO FIND IT EMPTY AND YOU ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!" Anna held her phone away from her ear, she was startled by Alex's nagging.

"Shhh. Alex, calm down. Please. I-I'm at the hospital now. I uh I'm going back soon." Anna replied as she tried to gather her thoughts. She walked towards the hospital lobby. "I'll tell you everything later. I just have to put myself together."

"What? Why?! What happened? Are you alright?" Alex wearily inquired.

"Yeah, yes, I'm fine. I'll uh call you when I'm near." She didn't even wait for Alex to reply, she pressed the end button and slot her phone back into her pocket.

"Miss!" someone called from behind.

Anna turned around to see the same nurse from earlier, carrying a small box as she ran towards her.

"Dr. Stevens would like to see you."

Anna pointed to herself, "Me? Why?" she walked to meet the nurse halfway. She studied her face and read her nametag, 'Jocelyn'.

The nurse handed her the small box with a wallet, phone and keys inside.

"Here are Dylan's belongings, Dr. Stevens asked me to pass it to you. Since Dylan's primary family members are not here yet. I think they'll only reach in 2 hours. Anyway, he means to discuss Dylan's condition with you."

"But why me? I thought you said I'm not allowed to..." confusion flashed all over Anna's face, as she held the box nearer to her middle.

"Oh don't worry, I explained everything to Dr. Stevens. And you know, we're not that heartless. We can make exceptions." Jocelyn smiled and placed her arm around Anna, guiding her back to the hospital corridor.

. . .

"The patient's vital signs are getting better but his brain is functioning at its lowest stage of alertness. This can be explained from the scalp wound and swelling on the right side of his face near his eye." the doctor pointed to the particular portion of his head as he talked.

"There might be concussion seeming as the patient has been unresponsive," Dr. Stevens looked at his watch, "for 3 hours now."

Anna blinked at Dr. Stevens, her legs fidgeting from where she's seated.

"What do you mean Doctor?"

"The patient is currently in coma and we will need to monitor him until we see signs of nerve responses. From there we can transfer him to the ICU, still heavily monitored but rest assured that he's already out of the critical state."

"Can I see him?" Anna asked, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall.

"I'm afraid not Anna. You'll only be allowed to see the patient once we transfer him to the ICU. It's the family's prerogative if they were to allow other people in the ER." Dr. Stevens adjusted his eyeglasses, pushing it along his nose bridge.

"I suggest you get yourself something to eat first. I was told by my staff that the primary family members are on their way." Dr. Stevens reached out and held Anna's hand. "Be strong, and trust that we are doing the best we can."

Anna was panic-stricken by the mention of Dylan's family members. She has concluded that the only way she can see Dylan is to sneak in before they all arrive. A plan formed in her head as she stepped out of Dr. Stevens' office.

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