Don looked around in fear and tried to sit up. "Where's Larry?"

"I'm right here, buddy." Don waved from the corner of the room. "I promise I won't let her out of my sight; I just wanted to give you two some privacy."

Meryl carefully helped him lay back down. "I'm fine, sweetheart; Mann is in lockup. I'll call Mom and Dad in a bit to tell them what's going on. Sweetheart, there has been some major damage to your windpipe and they have to reconstruct it. You have the best surgeon on the east coast and I know you will be just fine. Baby, I need to ask; do you want me to tell your mom?"

"No." Don shook his head. "She thinks Dad...fine. Will bring...him here. Don't want him."

Meryl nodded as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Then we won't say anything yet. Is it okay to tell Mom, Dad and my brothers?"

"Of course...want them" Don breathed.

Meryl smiled tearfully at her husband, always looking out for her. She sighed as the nurse peeked her head in and nodded. "Okay, my Don Man, it's time for your surgery. I want you to know how incredibly much I love you, Donald Gummer; I love you more than I could ever put into words. You and Henry are EVERYTHING to me; and I do mean EVERYTHING. I'm gonna make this up to you, baby."

"Nothing to make...up. Just want you...Henry...with me always." Don said bringing her hand up to his lips.

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "We will be because of you."

"Love you so...damn much...more...ever." Don breathed.

Meryl nodded her head as the tears streamed down her cheek. "Me too, baby; I'll see you soon."

"Bye, numb nuts." Larry winked at Don as they started to wheel him away and Don pulled his down to him.

Don tried to breathe. ""

"They will both be safe; I promise you." Larry winked. "Just come back to us."

The tears came faster when she saw Don look at her as he was being wheeled at and mouthed he loved her while she did the same. She started to collapse in tears when Larry caught her. "He has to be okay, Larry, he just has to be."

"He will be." Larry said walking to the door with her. "Come on, let's go to that waiting room where they said we would wait. We'll call your parents, brothers and I'll tell you about how numb nuts and chicken shit got their names."


"Hi, Mom, how's our baby?" Meryl asked when she called her parents.

Mary Streep could immediately tell something wasn't right with her daughter. "He's sleeping, again. We are keeping his fever down and his medicine in him. He is starting to drink a little more. Mary, what happened?"

"It's Don." Meryl choked as she told her mother what happened. "Now he is in surgery."

Mary Streep just shook her head wondering how much more her poor son-in-law's body could take especially after still healing from his father's attacks 6 months earlier. "Oh sweetheart; you know this isn't your fault, right? That Don was doing exactly what he wanted and it's because he loves you and Henry so much."

"I know, Mama." Meryl choked. "In addition to something happening to Henry my greatest fear has been something happening to Don and now it has."

Mary wiped her tears even though her daughter couldn't see, which she was happy about. "I know Donald Gummer and he will be fine. Do you want Daddy and I to come up? Maybe ask Jacobson to watch Henry?"

"No, I really want him with you and Daddy as he is so comfortable with you two. I would have you three come stay at the apartment but I hear it's pretty trashed. I can't even think about it right now. I just miss my baby." Meryl was so conflicted she knew the hospital wasn't a good place for him but she missed him and she knew Don would as well.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now