The Shield

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Roman's p.o.v.
We ran to Nicole's locker room and we just bust in. Nicole was in pants and a bra. Once she saw us she screamed and hurried and put a shirt on. Once she was done with that she looked back at us and said, "What the hell are you guys doing?!?" We all looked at her and I said, "Dean's girlfriend told us why you freaked out earlier!" Nicole got a pissed off look on her face and said, "What the fuck did she exactly say?" Dean smiled and yelled, "YOU LIKE SHANE!" Nicole walked up to Dean and covered his mouth and said, "Shut up he might still be in the building! Also, you guys tell anyone I will kill you myself." I looked at the other two guys then back at Nicole and said, "Yes, ma'am." She pointed at me and I got quite then Seth starts singing, "Nicole and Shane sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g, first comes love sec..." He was interrupted by Nicole punching him the arm. Seth looked at her and said ow and she said, "Tease me about this any one of you and I will kill you! Now if you excuse me I have to go sit commentary."

*skip to the show*
Blah blah blah blah, that's all I'm think right now as Stephanie and Vince McMahon talk about who is going to get the award. Then right as Steph is about to accept the award music comes on and it's Shane's Here Comes the Money. He comes out and does his thing then starts walking to the ring. "Oh my gosh that's why he was here earlier!" JBL looked over at me and said, "You knew he was here, Little Austin?" I was still shocked so JBL touched me and asked, "Hey, Nicole are you okay?" I looked at him and said, "Huh oh yeah I'm fine. To answer your question I ran into Shane earlier while walking around." It was a commercial break and I told JBL that I had to go because of a family emergency. Then I got up and started to walk backstage. Once I was back stage I ran to my locker room. While I was doing this Sasha and Renee saw me and followed me.
*knock knock*
"Who is it?" I said. Then I heard Sasha say, "Nicole, it's Sasha and Renee can we come in." I unlock and open the door and let the girls in. I go and sit down on the couch then Sasha asks, "Honey what happened out there to make you come running about here?" I looked down and said, "This does not leave this room." They nod and continue talking, "I can't work for WWE if Shane's gunna stay. I like him to much and he probably doesn't like me that way. I'm afraid that it will get in the way of my job." They looked at me and Renee said, "Hey don't say that. What if Shane does have the same feelings?" I shook my head and Sasha says, "You won't know until you talk to him about it." I sigh and say, "I don't know. It's kind of stupid..." *knock knock* I looked at the girls and say, "Come in!" The door opens and in walks Shane. I looked down and the girls say hi to him, he says it back and asks, "Can I talk to Ms. Austin alone for a minute?" They nod walk out and shut the door. Shane comes over and sits next to me and says, "Hey is everything okay?" I nod my head yes, but he doesn't have it. "Look at me and tell me what's wrong and why you left in the middle of the segment?" I sigh and look up and say, "Shane, I am fine. I'm just worried about my dad. He has to get surgery done on his shoulder." I lied, but he puts a hand on my back and says, "Hey everything will be fine." He smiles at me and I say, "That means a lot, but he wants to do Wrestlemania before he does his surgery." Shane laughed and said, "That sounds like Steve." I shook my head in agreement and said, "Well it was nice talking to you, but I kind of want to go to the hotel and sleep." We stood up and he hugged me and asked, "Can I give you a ride to the hotel?" I Looked at him and said, "Yes, that would be nice." We started walking to his car and he opened the door for me then he got in and we took off to the hotel.

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