Across The River

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Eridan Pov:
*Everyone says he's still out there..Some people say he's dead..Some people Even say they saw him with their own eyes. Aradia knew him very well and she didn't even knew what happened.

I wanted to look for him but my friends will would always say "1t's 4 w4st3 of your t1m3..". Or "HES ALREADY DEAD.." but I refuse to believe he's dead. I know he's out there somewhere I just gotta know where to look.*

"Mr. Ampora!"

I slightly jump and pushed my thoughts away as I looked at the teacher. Frowning as she asked me

"Why weren't you paying attention??"


"Ampora this will be part of your test please study and take notes these are very important."

"Okay then.."

I pull out my notebook and pencil. As my teacher continues to speak her lessons. After a 2 hours the bell rings I pack up my stuff and swig my backpack over my shoulders. And left the classroom I go over to my locker and open it. As I see pictures of Sollux and I sighed and closed my locker.

I couldn't believe he was gone. I always though he was home sick or on his dad's vacation trips. Sometimes I even think he just overslept and he's home now..playing video games. I pull out my phone and look our messages before he went missing.

Bee Boy:
2up Ed wanna hang out?


Bee Boy:
Hey Ed II have a que2tiion to a2k you.

Wwhats up sol?

Bee Boy:
*bee boy sent a picture*
What would you liike to eat?

Are you going to bring me lunch?

Bee Boy:

Vvery slick Captor

Bee Boy:
II'm gue22iing your not hungry huh?

I got my owwn lunch sol. thanks though

Bee Boy:
Don't worry about iit :P


Bee Boy:


Bee Boy:
8) ;) :P

:P ^_^

Bee Boy:
<> ♒️

..♊️ <>

Then from there he never texted back. I slick my hair back as Aradia grabs my shoulder. I turn around to see her smiling holding her books closely. I obviously smiled back to her and she says

"Hey Eridan h0w are y0u keeping up?"

"Better than before..I talk now-w"

"I kn0w! That's g00d well me and Feferi and Terezi were g0ing sh0pping after sch00l wanna c0me al0ng?"

" thanks Aradia thanks though"

I close my locker and wrap my scarf around my neck as she sighs and says

"Eridan I want y0u t0 c0me with us! Let party have fun! Let y0ur b0dy relax and chill! Maybe even spend time with us..."


I stood quite as I looked at Aradia. She smiles I pat her head and made my way to the front gate to leave the school. Knowing myself I wouldn't enjoy myself. I would be to busy thinking about Sollux. I put my earphones on and plug my phone and listened to some music.

*Eridan's Daydream*
"Tho how wath thchool?"

"Shitty like alw-ways"

"Wanna hang out? Ii literally have nothing elthe to do around here?"


"Aw ed what'th up huh?"

"The fact your not real..your just in my head.."

Sollux reaches out for me as he makes turn to him as he smiles.

"I'm thorry Ed. You know me I would've told you if I knew where I wath.."

My eyes began to water while I wiped my tears away I speed walked home not wanting anyone to know I was crying. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I carefully put my stuff down and tossing my shoes a side. I walk upstairs and went to my room. I pulled out my laptop and put my blanket over my body and sat down went to my flies

I clicked on the files that said "<> ♊️♒️" as I clicked on it. A load of videos popped up. And I watched

Video 1: Sollux :p
*the video recording Sollux playing on his phone upside down on Eridan's couch*

"Sollllll I'm hungry"

"Me too"

"Feed me!!!"

"No feed yourthelf"

"Nooooo pppllleeeasseee?????"


"Please w-with the cherry on top?"


"W-With tw-wo cherries!!"

"Only becauthe thier'th two of them"

"Thank you~"

"Thut-...are you recording?"


*sollux gets up and walks towards Eridan as Eridan backs up laughing as Sollux tackles Eridan to the ground making the camera land on the floor. Only showing Sollux on top of Eridan as they were both laughing together*

"Get off!!"

"You made me do thith your fault"

"Sol!! Get off!"

* as they both continue laugh the video cuts off to an end*

I love watching that video. I put my head against the pillow on my bed hugging my other pillow. I closed my eyes as I feel asleep

Grimdark LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ