
619 17 1

a/n this fanfic is v bad sryyyy IM TRying.

*Crankthatfrank posted a video at 5:00pm* she spends at least 60% of her time obsessing over him and would "do anything" for him. Anyways, she found his musical.ly account (unfortunately) and thought, "Hey i should do a duet with him" so she did which was super cringy but she posted it anyways. Just this emo nobody wanting to be noticed by her senpai (;-;). How can you not feel bad for her? "Okay fine, well since I'm not getting notice, this calls for EXTREME MEASURES!" She walked to the kitchen and instantly regretted making that awful duet with Frank. So she took it down and made a new one. (Being herself) the audio was Cancer by My Chemical Romance. She put on thick black eyeliner, put on her MCR merch and was the cringest emo you've ever seen.

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