Party time🎉

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After a 10 minute drive we arrive home. My brothers and I walk through the front door to find my second eldest brother Tyler basically eating his girlfriends face off on the sofa. My brothers and I laugh as we all fake gag walking past them "oh shut up, it's a normal thing to do" Tyler moans at us as he goes a bit red with embarrassment. "Oh yay can I invite a boy over tonight so I can snog his face off?" I ask sarcastically and pretend to jump with glee. All my brothers stare at me sternly "nope" Matt comes in and folds his arms in front of me. I smirk as I kiss him on the cheek "I'm joking, oh and by the way I'm staying at Tasha's tonight" I smile at them as I make my way upstairs "again? You always go" Matt says softly. I do go a lot but that's only when there's a party on, I sort of feel bad for lying to my brothers, but they won't let me do anything. This is my only freedom.
I go into my room and pack my bags with clothes for the party tonight, I wanted to look hot especially because Jake was going.
A few hours later at Tasha's...
Tash and I blast out Drakes new album as we curl our hair, do our make up and get into our outfits. Although it took a while as we get distracted by the music and dance quite a bit.

 Although it took a while as we get distracted by the music and dance quite a bit

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This is Ellie's outfit, just without the jacket.

Skip to the party...
Tash and I arrive to the party, the music is blasting out, everyone's getting off with someone and the smell of alcohol fills the air. I quickly go into the kitchen to grab Tasha and I a few shots just to get us started, I then poured myself a vodka and coke. "Shall we dance?" Tash smiles at me as she takes my hand and pulls me into the crowd of people. After a few people grab us some drinks we end up pretty drunk, grinding on each other and grinding on other people. "Hey nice moves!" I hear a familiar voice shout over the music, I turn around to see Jake staring down at me "why thankyou kind sir!" I reply with a massive grin on my face. He smirks at me "let's go outside" he mumbles as he takes my hand and pulls me from the crowd. We head outside and sit on the bench and I finish my drink "I didn't expect you to be a party girl" he laughs slightly at the state of me "well I am, although my brothers don't know so shhhhhhhh" I place my finger on my lips. I grab a cigarette off of the boy next to me and light it, taking a few tokes "I didn't expect you to be a smoker either" he raises his eyebrows at me "only when I drink" I look over at him as I let him have some. After we finished he gets closer to be and quickly places his lips on mine, I wrap my arms around the back of his neck as I pull him in closer, I feel his tongue enter my mouth and mine enters his. God he tastes like mint and smoke all in one. We pull away after a few minutes and I stand up and head back into the party. About an hour later Tash and I are laughing hysterically at I don't even know what, and that's when I look over and see Jake making out with Jessica, the schools biggest slag. I feel hurt, I don't know why, I knew what he was like and I've slept with a player before but never felt this way. I turn away and see Dylan up on the table seeing who can drink a pint of beer the fastest, I quickly stumble towards the table and make my way up it "hey! I bet that I-I can drink more than youuuu" I point at him as I slur my words. I hear someone whistle at me as I see Dylan laugh "you're so drunk! It's on" he winks at me.
Dylan had been trying to get Noah and I to go to his party all day. At first we said we wouldn't as whenever we go to a party we come home really drunk and Ellie absolutely hates alcohol and it really upsets her, but she's staying at Tasha's so why the hell not. Noah and I walk up to the front door of Dylan's, we can hear the music from outside. "So little brother, who's going to be on your sights tonight?" I ask as I look over at him "maybe Jessica again, she was quite fun last time" he smirks at me.
We walk in and it's so crowded, we try to look for Dylan but he's no where to be seen "I guess I won't get my chance tonight with Jessica, she's already on the new boy" Noah laughs as he points at the new boy Dylan heading upstairs with her. I can already tell I'm going to hate him, he's a bit of a player like me but I still don't like him. We hear a large cheer coming from the group of people surrounding the dining table. I look over and see Dylan and a girl standing on top of it, drinking competitions again! There was no way this girl was going to beat Dylan. We all watch in anticipation, the girl quickly finishes the pint off before Dylan and smashes it on the table. We all cheer and Noah looks at me in surprise. This girl must of had a lot of experience. She turns to face us and that's when I realise. I see her get down and walk away, she must of noticed me. Noah and i follow her "Ellie get your ass here right now!" I yell furiously, Noah grabs her wrist and pulls her to us. She looks up at us trying not to laugh, she's pissed. "Hello dearest brothers!" She smiles and try's to lighten the mood. Noah and i look at her coldly "what the fuck are you doing here? How do you know about this party!?" I yell at her, I can't believe my baby sister would get drunk. "Well I'm here to have fun! Duh! And Dylan told me" she shrugs trying to grab another drink. Noah stands in front of her so she can't leave "we are leaving right now! Just wait until Matt and Tyler find out about this" I shout, getting angrier and angrier. She continues to smile at me, and then her eyes roll back and she falls back, luckily Noah catches her. Great now she's passed out. I cannot believe her! And neither can Noah by the looks of his face. Noah carries her and places her in the back of the car, sitting with her to make sure she's okay and I start to drive us all home.

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