Thomas's POV:

He's worried. I can't help but notice the look on James's face as he tried to focus and listen to the teacher. I don't want my James to feel worried. Idea! I swiftly but quietly grabbed one of my notebooks from my backpack and wrote down a message. James, are you ok? No, that didn't seem right. I erased it and tried to write it better. Are you feeling alright? Sigh! I just can't get it right. I aggressively erased it angrily rubbing my temples trying to concentrate. James had a quick glance over to my notebook then back to the front of the class. James, if only I could see what was going on inside your head, if only I could cure your sadness and bring you joy. I really want to hug you so much right now and squish your adorable little face. I really just want to- "Jefferson." Mr. Washington's voice echoed through the class room. Shit. I froze. "I highly doubt that you are writing down notes. May I see that paper?" I nervously blushed as he took it out of my hands. "James," He began to read aloud, adjusting his glasses. No! Fuck! I anxiously glanced at James when he heard his name called. Mr. Washington read my note out loud to the class. James turned red, his face looked even more worried and stressed than before. "I just really want to-" Mr. Washington finished. He handed my note back to me, and said, "Keep your 'fan fics' out of my class room next time." The whole class laughed, Alex being the loudest. My whole face turned red. I can't even imagine how James feels right now. An extreme wave of guilt swept over me as I dared to look down at him. James was unmoving, probably hates my entire existence right now. I nervously thought.

Alex's POV:

Thomas, what a  fucking idiot. I laughed along with the rest of the class, trying to laugh a little louder to get the strangers attention. My laughter quickly decreased in volume as I realized he wasn't laughing. He didn't even seem to notice anything was happening. I sat back down, pen in my hand, desperately waiting for the bell to dismiss us.

Minutes later, which felt like hours, the bell released us from a final lecture about regulations in Mr. Washington's class. I got up collecting my books but I realized the stranger had already left. My heart dropped. What the hell was I even thinking anyway? I walked towards the table he was sitting at and noticed that he had left his notebook. What am I going to go. I didn't even know his name, so it was hopeless to give it back to him before tomorrow. What if I... No, that would be snooping. But on the other hand... My head suddenly filled up with a million brilliant excuses. I clutched the stranger's notebook and walked out of the class room.

Thomas's POV:  

He hasn't said anything since we stepped out of the classroom. My heart is racing. I can't keep up with my thoughts. He's mad at me, I know it. The feeling was heart wrenching. I helplessly glance at him as he walks through the halls. I'm sorry I hurt you. After that, my thoughts shut off. There was nothing else I could think about.  I was only trying to help. I reached for his shoulder but quickly pulled away. I followed him to his dorm and at the door, we paused. He turned around to face me but he wasn't frowning, he didn't even look angry at all. Shocked, I asked, "Are you...ok?" The words stumbled out of my mouth, unplanned. A smile reached across James's face, then leaped forwards into a hug. "You dumb idiot." He laughed. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? I hugged him back, unsure of what was going on. He kissed me on the cheek and I caught a glimpse of his deep shimmering eyes. "It wasn't your fault he read it out loud. Heh, it was actually kinda cute." He giggled again. I guess my plan sort of worked . I thought. He's happier than before. 

Alex's POV:

Look at them. Standing in the hallway, what the hell. I cringed at the two. Inside I felt a twinge of jealousy that I would never had admitted out loud. Clutching the stranger's notebook, I entered my dorm, ignoring all the chores that had to be done. I set the notebook on the small coffee table, sat down in front of it and blankly stared at it. What do I do? What SHOULD I do? Without further thinking, I grabbed it, flipped it open and started to read. John Laurens. I read more and more past school notes and phone numbers and noticed that there was a full page of names that seemed familiar but not. Then I realized. They were ship names. I wonder. I read from top to bottom, the first one was easy to identify: Mulette, Mulligan and Lafayette. That sort of works. I thought, excited to read the rest. Ok, now Jeffmads is obvious. Try a little harder next time John. Thinking his name was weird, but good weird. I moved on to the next one when my heart sank. Jamilton. What the hell did that mean? My mind raged.  James? Jefferson?...John? I blushed trying to figure out what that meant. I closed the notebook as the door unlocked and opened. "Ayy, Mulligan, buddy-" I started, but he cut me off, "Don't even start." And he left into the other room. "Hey! It was just a joke!" I called after him nervously laughing, no answer. I angrily turned back to the table and proceeded to read the rest of his journal.

James's POV:

3:00 am. It was 3:00 am. Thomas was here, next to me. Without saying anything, he suddenly got up, I could feel his calm gaze move towards me, I pretended to still be sleeping. I watched as he 'tried' to be quiet, unlocked the door and came back with his laptop and sat on the couch. I watched as his face went from a calm smile to a nervous frown. Thomas, are you alright? My head spun with questions. What was he doing? Did someone hurt him? He suddenly got back up, shocked I shut my eyes pretending again. He left his laptop on the couch and went back to his dorm. This isn't a good idea...please forgive me... I gathered enough courage to silently leap out of bed and make sure everything was alright. The brightness of the computer blinded me, but I tried to adjust my eyes. I read, 'french essay.' Whats so bad about that? I wondered. I hurriedly jumped back before Thomas came back with a glass of water and a ton of papers. I watched as he was frantically straightened the papers and then continued typing words into his laptop. My heart still pounding after that sudden rush, trying the hardest to calm down. It felt like my heart beat was echoing through the room and that Thomas could hear it. But that was just in my mind. He glanced over at the clock next to me and checked the time. I calmly kept watching him work for a while but the room suddenly faded away, as I drifted back to sleep. 

*BEEP BEEP BEE-*  The alarm jolted me awake and the light from the window blinded me. Thomas?  I glanced around the room only to find that he had left like, a million papers on the couch. I slowly got up into a stretch/yawn and walked towards the mess of papers. Why do you always leave everything- I caught a glance at the papers. French Essay - Class Trip To France. My heart sank. Was he going to leave to France?

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