It's the Thought That Counts

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Moving is the one most dreaded word in my vocabulary as of today, March 28th. 

Even the thought of it seems to make me settle into a deep depression. Thinking about loosing all one zillion and three friends of mine, my beautiful house, my lifestyle, my school, and my neighborhood make my brain hurt, and I almost wish that none of this had never happened.

I wish that my dad was never told he no longer had a place in his job, I wish I could stay here forever, I wish that my friends could come with me, I wish that my whole life would magically repair itself and everything would remain the way it is, frozen in time.

Wasting my time wishing isn't what I'm here for.  I'm here to live in the present, and enjoy it. I am here to make a difference, and to change the world in some way or another.

And that's the mentality you need to start out with.

Today, the offer we put on a house got accepted. We will be moving in about a year and a half from now. To an entirely different state. A place where I have approximately 5 friends, and know almost nobody. I am a city girl, all blue, but will be moving to an all red place. And no offense intended to anyone that lives there, but I'm dreading it.

"Think positive," I am continually telling myself. "You will have your own room, and you can decorate that room according to your style, and it is all up to you!" But sometimes thinking positive isn't enough. Most of my friends don't even know.

Sometimes I think of moving to a new state like dying. You loose almost everything, and slowly over time people's memories begin to fade, until you were never there, wherever that was. Even continual visits don't help, and eventually you forget of that place. All you can remember is of the present, of the now. 

I hope this move is painless, simple, and perfect in every way. I hope that as soon as I get there, my neighbors greet me with cookies, and welcome me to this foreign place. I hope that there will be people my age on my block, so that we can hang out. 

I wish life was simpler.

As we near the closing date on this house, five weeks from today, I am already thinking about what things I won't need for the 2017-18 school year and can bring there. I have baskets and bins of things that I won't need for a very long time, and trinkets and doodads that need to be moved around or thrown out. 

Currently, my life is being torn apart, brick by brick, piece by piece, but really, it's the thought that counts.

How to Move to Another State for TeensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora