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It was near the end of May, just after the end of year final exams, but the sky was gray and gloomy outside. I stared out the window next to my bed, stroking Emrys' fur. "It might rain later." I determined aloud, to nobody at all.

Emrys suddenly jumped from my lap and scampered away. After a minute, he came back just as suddenly, dragging a long piece of black cloth with his teeth. Draco's scarf. I had been meaning to return it, or burn it just for spite. But my cat kept taking it away after the winter ended and I had no reason to wear it. He'd hide it someplace, and almost never return it.

I held the scarf in my hands delicately. The black wool was still soft, but spotted with dust and gray cat hair. I felt my heart scream again. It does that every time I see Draco. He always looks at me with a somber expression. Though I kept my distance from him, I wanted nothing more than to speak to him, see his smile, wrap my arms around him and hold him close.

But he lied to you! My brain whispered scornfully. He's a Death Eater, just like those who killed your parents!

I shook my head furiously. I need to stop thinking like that. Mother always said that holding a grudge does nothing but hurt yourself. Mother. . . Father. . .

I touched the golden locket around my neck. It was a gift they gave me for my 12th birthday, and had miniature photos of my parents in it. I recalled the legal representative coming to me just a couple of months ago. According to the will my parents wrote, I was left with everything, including the house we've lived in my entire life. Though, a part of me didn't want to go back to there. The memories there'll make me sad, and I don't want to be in that place alone.

"Have you no other family?" I've been asked by the man from the Ministry and friends.

"No," I'd answer. "It's always been the three of us. "

I'm alone. . . Well, maybe not entirely. I buried my nose into the scarf. Though it had all but disappeared, I could detect the faintest scent of mint. I remembered the promise he made after I told him about my parents' deaths. "I'll always be beside you. I promise."

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted but a tap on the window. I jumped, almost screamed before I realized it was just an owl. What was an owl doing here? I opened the window, and the creature jumped a little closer on the ledge. It dropped a thick envelope into my hand, then flew away.

Strange. Usually the mail is delivered in the mornings, during breakfast at the Great Hall. Closing the window, I sat back in my bed and examined the envelope. I recognized the handwritten Serena immediately. Draco's handwriting?!

I frantically opened the letter. What does he want? Three pages, completely covered with writing.

My dear Serena,

I understand that you don't want to speak to me, but I feel as if I'd go mad if I didn't explain myself. You of all people deserve to know the truth. This past summer, I was forced to join the Death Eaters. It wasn't really my choice because my family has always been loyal servants to the Dark Lord. Since I was already coming to Hogwarts, I was given the task to get rid of Professor Dumbledore, the one man the Dark Lord fears. In a way or so, it's supposed to prove my loyalty as well as my parents' to him. If I don't succeed, he'll kill me.

I admit, the plan was originally to ask you for help because I needed it. But against my intentions, I fell in love with you. You make me want to be a better person. I want to just leave everything behind and start over with you, but I'm worried that the Dark Lord will do something horrible to my parents if I betray them. I tried not to get too close to you, but obviously it was all in vain. I didn't want to risk placing you in danger. Anyone dear to me can be used as leverage to make me cooperate to do any dreadful deed they request.

My song, I wanted to tell you everything sooner. About how I was the one who hexed Katie Bell, how I indirectly poisoned Ron Weasley, and how much I cared for you. But you can imagine my nervousness when you expressed your hate for the Death Eaters. I wanted to come clean to you all the same. I wish you didn't have to find out the way you did.

Even if you don't forgive me for what I've done, please do one thing for me. Do not leave your room, under any circumstances. Another task I was given to fulfill while I was at Hogwarts was to establish a way for the other Death Eaters to get into the school. Again, this was against my will. For nearly the whole year, I've been mending the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. It has a twin in Knockturn Alley, allowing a passage that can get anyone and anything through the protection spell around the school. There isn't a doubt in my mind that the Death Eaters will attack anyone roaming the halls once they come, so please stay where you are until morning.

I can't say when I'll see you again, considering the others will take this opportunity to take me "out of harm's way". Please, don't leave your room. My heart will always be yours.

Forgive me,


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