2. Hello Stranger

Start from the beginning

"You going to stand in the doorway all day or are you going to come in?" he asked again with another tilt of his head. He watched the guy smile and cautiously walk in, step by step. Soon he was next to Ethan, eyeing the kitchen knives with a strange look.

Ethan stepped between the Irishman and the knives, subtly, and smiled a little, again looking the man up and down for any signs of makeup. He could find none. He took a sip of his water and looked back up at the guys face.

"...how long were you out there? Why didn't you just go home?"

The guys seemed to freeze up at the question. His feet shifted slightly like he didn't want to admit something. Like he was nervous about the reaction it would get. Ethan gave him a soft smile in hopes it would get the other to relax.

"I don't have a home 'round here ta go ta. I dunno how long I was out t'here..." was the mumbled response he got after a while. Ethan's eyes widened a little as he turned to look the guy head on.

"Wh-what?" he croaked. This beautiful man doesn't have a home? I'm guessing the 'round here' part means he left his home in Ireland for something he didn't get here. Or maybe he was kicked out? Maybe I'm over thinking things... perhaps he just meant he doesn't have a home this side of town?

"What do you mean you don't have a home around here?" he asked, eyes wide as his mind filled with thoughts of this man.

"I mean just t'hat. No home. Not in this city, not on this continent. No-" the guy cut himself off and looked down. Ethan was sure he was going to say something else, but he didn't want to push it. He had only met the guy an hour or so before.

Even if it did feel like he'd somehow known him for longer.

Ethan's thoughts were cut off by a loud rumbling, and he blushed a little. He couldn't help but clutch at his rumbling stomach in embarrassment. He sent a light glare over to the Irishman as said man started chuckling at him, his blue eyes flashing in amusement.

"Sh-shut up! I'm hungry is all..." he blushed darkly as he made his way over to the fridge, turning his back on his guest, "You want anything to eat?"


Anti didn't know why he let the guy's soft hands run across his arms and face, checking for wounds. Or why he played around with him, teasing like he would with Dark and the others... He didn't know why he didn't feel actual anger when the guy thought he was Scottish, unlike every other person on the planet who would dare say Scottish over Irish.

He didn't know why his stomach seemed to rebel against him every time blue hair looked at him, or why he couldn't help but smile when the other did. But he wanted to figure it out... and make it stop.

He heard a fairly loud grumbling in the room, coming from blue hairs stomach. He tried to stifle his laughter, but the small giggles were barely contained. And by blue hairs reaction, they were quite obvious.

He quickly contained himself as his eyes strayed to the knives on the counter, again. They'd be so useful... he shook his head a little as blue hair turned away, from both him and the knives, and towards the... big white block thing.

He felt himself gravitate towards the knives. He could kill him now, use his apartment... perhaps killing him would stop his reactions to the other male? Maybe it was a spell? He wouldn't be surprised... it's not like he hadn't been bewitched before. Though, this didn't feel like a traditional spell...

He wasn't sure if he was pulled from his thoughts or sucked deeper as his fingers wrapped around the handle of one of the blades. He was about to pull it out, to turn around and attack, to kill. But he stopped. The butterflies in his stomach grew in intensity as if they had multiplied.

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