Chapter 1

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  I jump back as pain rushes to my cheek

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  I jump back as pain rushes to my cheek

"GET OUT!" My dad yells.

  I run to my room and grab my already packed bag and run out of the house. I quickly jump on my horse and speed away.

After speeding for awhile I let Sandy slow down to a trot. Then I pull my cape over my shoulders and put my hood over my head. I lift my hands to my face and wipe away the tears on my face. I wove slightly when I touch my cheek where my dad slapped me.


  After my moms funeral my dad started going to the tavern and not coming back. Sometimes he would come back so drunk he couldn't walk. Later it started getting worse, he'd punch and slap me.

  I hear the door open and I quickly walk downstairs to help my father to his bedroom. When he sees me he starts yelling that he didn't love me and I'm the reason that my mom was dead. As I get next to him to help him walk straighter he pushes me and I fall to the floor. He stumbles over to me and starts kicking me and punching me till I was blue all over. A few minutes later he passes out cold on the couch.

  I walk up to my room and pack a bag full of clothes. When I'm about walk out my dad sits up.

"Please don't leave me," he says, "I'm sorry."

  He says that every time after that and again I stay.

Because who doesn't want to believe their father.

*Flashback over*

  After riding for I don't even know how long dawn start to break through and a few shining lights in the distance. I get there and see a little stable and put Sandy in one of the pens hoping whoever owned them wouldn't mind. As I'm about to wonder around the village to find a inn I bump into someone.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" I say looking into the face of a black haired girl that had two other girls with her.

"Just watch where your going," she says sounding super annoyed.

  I kneel down and pick up my bag. I wonder around town and find a little inn close to the end of the inn. I walk and see I nice living room type area and a desk with a man behind it.

"Hello I was wondering if I could have a room."

  The man looks up from the desk a little startled. "Yes of course," he says, "for how long?"

"I don't know actually."

"Well just pay when you decide to leave," he opens his desk and hands me a key, "your room is the first one on the left."

  I nod a thanks and start to walk down the hallway. I open the door to my room and set my bag on the floor and fall on the bed asleep before my head hits the pillow.

  When I wake up it's starting to get dark outside. My stomach starts to growl and I decide to find something to eat.

  I walk out of the inn and a few minutes later find a tavern which seems to be the only place
to eat in this small village. I walk in and the door slams shut, everyone stops to look at what was going on me which means all eyes were on me. Great job Lilian now everybody is looking at you. I think to myself. I quickly walk to the back of the tavern and people quickly go back to their conversations. When I look over by the bar I see a tall, muscular, light brown eyed man staring at me with a slight smirk.

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