Chapter 14

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*******2 months later****

Zilla finally located the man that wants Eisuke dead his name is Chen Zing Leader of the Raids, one of largest gangs in China rivaling the Ice Dragon mafia. He wanted to make a deal with Eisuke to set up business do they can spread to Japan. But because of Soryu he rejected the deal. Because Chen can not kill the Ice Dragon prince with out a war starting he next target was Eisuke.  

In Hong Kong

Zilla sat with her head in the toilet. 'Damn it i have been throwing up for the past two days i need to find Chen. That rat bastard.' 

Shu: 'Lilly you ok you have been throwing for a while you need to see a doctor.'

Zilla: 'I am fine Shu... quit nagging will you.'

Shu: 'My baby girl is sick and you don't want me to nag'

Zilla: 'Hahaha you sound like Regina.'

Shu:'Haha yea she has rubbed off on me over the years. By the way you sure your not pregnant.'

Zilla: 'What now are you crazy?' rinsing out her mouth she walked to the living room thinking about what Shu said. Shit she cant even remember when last she had a period. Fuck! fuck! fuck! She cursed.

Zilla: 'Shu I am going to the store ok.'

Shu: 'Ok be careful.'

She walked to the convenient store and headed towards the pregnancy test section. Picking up to she went to the cashier and  paid for her items. 

Cashier?:' You must be so happy'

Zilla: 'I don't know yet, but I am nervous.'

Cashier?: 'I can see that your hands are shaking dear'

Zilla: 'Yea If I am pregnant I don't want to loose him.'

Cashier?: 'You can take it in the back if you want I will be here it not good to do these things alone. '

Zilla: 'Thanks' She went in the bathroom with the test and sure enough she was pregnant. Looking at the old woman while holding the test she burst into tears. She was going to have Eisuke baby.

Cashier?:'Congratulations dear.why are you crying.'

Zilla: 'I miss my boyfriend. Some bastared trying to make me hurt him so I had to leave.'

Cashier?: 'Oh dear.'

Zilla: 'Nobody will hurt the people I love no body.' She said with a glare of pure hate.

Cashier?: 'You be careful dear and take care of yourself. Go to a hospital.'

Zilla: 'I will thanks.'

When she left the cashier pulled of the mask and got on the phone. 'Boss I found her. She still looking for the guy. She seem really pissed to and she misses you. Oh boss before you go congratulations. Your going to be a father.'


Eisuke: 'What!!!!'

Ota: 'What the matter boss. Did he find Koro.'

Eisuke: 'Yea............'

Soryu: 'Well where is she? Is she alive?

Eisuke: 'Yea..... she pregnant.'

Ota: ' Congrats boss we gonna be uncles.'

Eisuke:' Soryu... were going to Hong Kong.'

Soryu:' If she going to a hospital I have one of the dragons there check her out.'

******Hong Kong*******

When Zilla got home Regina was there she told her about the test and decided to make an appointment tomorrow to see the doctor. 

Since her time in Hong Kong she has not contacted Soryu. She was sceptical of calling but needed more information on the Raids.

*ring* *ring*

Soryu: 'Hello.'

Zilla: 'Hey Soryu I need some information.'

Soryu: 'Zilla! Are you ok? where are you?

Zilla: 'Sor.... I am alive ok. Where are you ?i need to find out about the Raids.'

Soryu: 'Why? I am at the lounge.'

Zilla: 'Is Eisuke there?'

Soryu: 'Yea want to talk to him.'

Zilla: 'Not now I need info on Raids.'

Soryu: 'they are the most brutal gang in china. I am sure you already know that. There leader Chen doesn't stay at headquarters. he lives in Beijing.'

Zilla: 'Thanks, Soryu that what I was missing.'

Soryu: 'Wait! Zilla talk to Eisuke please.'

Zilla: 'Ok.....'

Soryu: 'Eisuke!!! its Zilla.'

Eisuke: 'What?!...Zilla baby are you ok.'

Zilla: 'Eisuke..... I am sorry I lied to you I am sorry.'

Eisuke: 'Hey hey what's that where is my bad ass, cutthroat, horny woman.'

Zilla:'hahaha... idiot! .... Eisuke...I am.... never mind its nothing i got to go.'

Eisuke: 'Zilla where are you?'

Zilla: 'I found his location Eisuke. I have to go tell Soryu thanks. Bye.'

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