Chapter 3

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  Mum finally came up out of the vaults with my usual money bag. As she hugged me and Ginny she whispered "There are 20 galleons in there. I just didn't want the boys to get super jealous of you both." " Thanks, Mum" I said as usual "Can I share this with Ginny?" again as usual " Yes, of course" Mum said as normal though giving me a small wink. Well, kids go on and explore." "Bye" we all chorused " Meet us at the Leaky Cauldron at 2" "Ok" Ginny and I shouted behind us. "Let's go to Ollivander's first" Ginny says "Sounds good" I said "Plus the wands will cost the most so we know what money we have left to use on books and other stuff." We walk into Ollivander's and Ginny tells me to go first because I got us the money. I try a total of three wands, and the final one that works for me is hazel wood with a phoenix feather core. Ginny's wand is also hazel though with a dragon heartstring core. We pay 10 galleons for the wands then we go into Quality Quidditch Supplies we both have Clean Sweep 7's (I saved for YEARS for these) and buy a quaffle for us to play with for 3 galleons then we head into Florish and Blotts. We buy books on potion making, transfiguration, charms and DADA. The books cost 5 galleons and Ginny worries we will not be able to buy our cauldron and stuff to put in the potions. Then we go into the place we buy potions stuff at and we don't have enough in what Mum gave us, but then I suprise Ginny by pulling out a money bag that is a lot smaller than the one Mum gave us. "I have 5 galleons of emergency money in here." I say. We can use this for the remaining two galleons" "Ok" Ginny replies. We get our stuff then I look at my watch and yelp " Oh, snap we have 2 minutes to get to the Leaky Cauldron!" "Let's run" Ginny suggests "With all these parcels? I guess it is our best bet" I agree. We sprint to the Leaky Cauldron "Oh good girls you're here What did you get?" I start listing the items. "Well girls we will go home now if you are done shopping. I just need to buy more floo powder". The three of us walk to the Floo Station and buy floo powder. Then I shout "the burrow!" without relizing that I forgot to throw in the Floo Powder. I feel pain all over my body. Through blurred vision I throw my parcels to Ginny then I black out.

See this chapter was a bit more exiting at the end right? Hope you like it! 

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