The Second Chapter Release (I know it has been a really long time)

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This is a very controversial topic, My personal views on abortion are never stated, nor do they matter for this chapter. But if you are curious, I am not for or against abortion, I personally believe it is up to the mother, and she can deal with the consequences by herself. All that is stated will be explained and to further ease many confused feelings, this "solution" is not my actual idea, this solution is there for the shock factor. This whole essay should come off as scathing and rather quite angry and aggressive. But read to the very end and everything will be explained.

A Modest Proposal

To break the stigma behind mental illnesses made by incompetent people who have little to no knowledge or experience with this impossibly wide spectrum.

There is always that moment of panic and fear that sets in when any person sees someone else have an anxiety attack, or finds out their friend, or another person they know, has a problem and is clinically depressed. This all just sounds like a nice way to practically scream, "Look at me everyone and see how special I am, you all should care a whole lot about me or I may just commit suicide!" This only makes an instant desire to get as far away from them as possible as soon as possible. All of this is because it is unfamiliar and it doesn't make sense, and who knows, it may even be contagious. Next thing you know, maybe we will all be depressed. Or when the severe irritation that takes over when you are trying to make a depressed person happy, they are just so ridiculously self absorbed in their own pity that it doesn't even make sense to try and help out anymore. These people then always in some way, shape, or form, blame you and say that you never even tried to help, or play the guilt card by saying that you didn't even notice that they needed help. Every time these people with depression just go around all sad and self loathing, and then they instantly become a target of concern to everyone for possibility of their suicide and risk of self harm. They are too busy being self centered and selfish that they never realize the enormity if the burden they place on others around them, whether parents, teachers, friends, or even classmates. There is a heavy burden that is placed amongst us causing more stress for everyone in the long run.

It isn't only people with depression, there are also those people with eating disorders like anorexia, nervosa, and bulimia. These people are not any better then those super models who like to flaunt off their body because they only weigh 60 pounds. It really makes me want to go up and shake their hand so I can tell them, "Congratulations on achieving nothing but poor health and sheer stupidity, was it done because you don't care about how it affects your friends and family, or did you think it actually would do something for you?" What is even worse is all of the times that these people supposedly make a "cry for help" and they get everyone concerned about them. This seems to be especially prevalent on social media as they scare all of their followers or subscribers or whatever who offer help but they never take it, they are such attention-whores. They all seem to wear their mental illness like a bloody badge, like it is some massive honor that is of absolute power or it makes them better because they have this "special" ailment.

There are also those people with these ailments and they seem to go through these "phases" where they are depressed one day and then the next they are happy go lucky. Even if they are bipolar, that doesn't mean that all of us should have to deal with all of this crap. Why should we have to deal with or be forced to understand these people? It only puts stress on us as we are trying to help others who don't accept our help or quite honestly will lash out at us with strings of curse words all to only say that we don't understand. They all seem to act like we don't want to understand, even when we do.

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