Part 2

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Another quick A/N: Using the same OCs by the way but they will be a little different for this one..

Outfit:it's going to be the same one as the on from the Yang story. I'm a little lazy and I honestly can't think of much to be honest.

Weapons: Sword of the father (FFXV and minus the drawback), Dragoon Lance (FFXV), and Apocalypse(FFXV). And more soon...

Anyways onto the story!

It was a cool night in the emerald forest. The cold wind bothered you but the personal training sessions that you are putting yourself through didn't have any time to worry about such conditions. In fact, the amount if training you went through has practically kept you warm although the cool breeze sent chills throughout your body.

(Y/N): *panting* can't stop now...

You rose from your kneeling position and summoned your broad sword. After a few seconds of concentrating, you then swung it around as if you were attacking a monster and quickly switched weapons to bring out a spear. However, as you skillfully wielded the spear,  your legs gave in and you quickly fell to the ground. You were too exhausted to even notice that you had fallen on the blade of the weapon, which left a large cut on your left forearm.

(Y/N): Dammit!

You slammed your inured arm onto the ground in frustration. The adrenaline soon wore off which allowed the pain from your cut to slowly take affect.

(Y/N): I-I can keep going... I can show them all... That I'm not some weakling!

You struggled to stand up but you simply fell backwards and leaned against a tree. All of the fatigue had taken its toll on your body and you began to feel sleepy. You have tried your best to shake off the sleep but in the end, you fell into a deep slumber in the forest.

The Next Morning

The sunlight shining on your eyes disturbed your slumber as you slowly stirred awake in the emerald forest. It wasn't the best of awakenings since you had fallen asleep against a tree but you didn't care enough to even think about it. 

Taking out your scroll to look at the time, you found a few missed calls from your team and a few messages of them asking where you are.

(Y/N):  11 AM ...

Responding to one of the messages, you stood up to return to Beacon but not before picking up your spear and sending it back. Your body was still sore from the training by you ignored it along with the pain radiating from the accidental injury. You have reached the courtyard where you found Team RWBY casually walking so you pulled your hood over your head to avoid any contact.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N): ... Hi.

You simply kept walkin along without even looking at them. Your heart raced knowing that Weiss is with them so you wanted to keep moving as fast as possible.

Yang: Gee, what's his deal?

Blake: He must have been out all night.

Weiss: What can a slacker like him be even doing?

Blake sent a small glare at the heiress, in which it wasn't noticed but the black haired teen knew of your suffering.

Ruby: Did any of you see the cut on his arm?

Yang: Yeah, must've been a rough night.

The white haired teen noticed as well, in fact she has also seen the damages on your hands as well as the fact that she had seen your eyes. There was a great hint of determination that were hiding underneath the look sadness.

Perhaps in her eyes, there may have been some guilt.

Back With You

Snow: There you are! Do you have any idea how worried we were!

(Y/N): ... Sorry...

You were currently in your team's dorm with Snow,  a white haired rabbit Faunus, who was currently scolding you for not sleeping in the room,  again.

Snow: Your lucky the others aren't here,  otherwise it would be a whole lot worse.

(Y/N): ...

Snow: *sigh* (Y/N)... Why do you keep disappearing like this? This is the third week in a row that this has happened and I'm worried about you.

(Y/N): ... I'm just getting my own practice in.

She looked at you in worry and slight sadness, especially when she knew about your situation. It pained her knowin that you were weak but her and the others have done their best to help you whenever they can. However, she was also happy that you were determined to catch up with everyone else.

Snow: Come here, let's get your wound patched up.

She grabbed your hand and led you to her bed, where she pulled out a first aid kit from underneath and sat you down to tend to the large cut.

Snow: I understand that you want to get strong fast but you need to pace yourself. That way you don't end up looking like the way you are right now.

(Y/N): ... There really isn't any time to pace myself... I just want to prove to everyone that I'm not the same weakling anymore. Especially to Weiss...

Snow let out another sigh before completely covering the wound in bandages. She let out a mother soft smile as she placed the first aid kit underneath her bed.

(Y/N): ... Thank you.

She smiled brightly as she gave you a playful punch om your shoulder.

Snow: You're quite welcome! Now get yourself cleaned up because Ranger wants to work on our team work as soon as he gets back.

You nodded before making your way into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Meanwhile, Snow was lightly blauhing from the fact that she had gotten close to you, although she felt a small pang of jealousy that you were motivated to win over Weiss's heart.

To be continued.

No Matter The Cost: Weiss Schnee X Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin