Chapter 5 : The Truth

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Alec could feel himself shaking. He'd felt the sensation of trembling before but this was nothing like it. He could feel everything. Every wave after wave of spasms running up his arms, and with nothing to deafen the sound, no heartbeat to quieten his body with its own uproar, it was terrifying.

His chest felt so empty. A hollow expanse of nothingness just filling his torso. He'd gotten so used to hearing his heartbeat, the reassuring thumps every now and then. Now there was nothing, only silence.

Alec was beginning to regret sending Jace and Isabelle away. But he'd felt he couldnt face them. Not until he'd got himself sorted out.

It had felt so right. Going up to Hotel Dumort. Begging Raphael to Turn him. Everything. Right up to the bite. He'd thought that he was ready. That it was the right decision. But no amount of mental preperation could've got him ready for this. He wondered vaguely how Simon managed it, being a mundane and all. But then, being Turned after a mundane life was probably easier. But being a Shadowhunter, growing up learning to stay away from Downworlders, that being a Vampire was a disease, a curse. It just made it all the more harder.

Alec stared blankly at his empty skin. He tried to visualize the runes that once decorated it. Snaking over almost every inch of skin. But now there was nothing. Only skin, so pale that it looked almost like paper. So blank with only his blue nerves running across them as an adornment. It made him feel strangely vulnerable to be so blank and exposed.

He wondered what his mother would think if she knew. Or maybe she already knew? How long had he been out? Days? Weeks? He didn't know. He hadn't asked. He couldnt think straight over the metallic iron taste of blood emanating off his siblings. Even now he could smell it. It was faint but it was there. His stomach growled and his fangs dropped from their sheaths, splitting his lower lip open. He hissed and ran his tongue over the wound. A few minutes later, it had disappeared.

'Faster than an Iratze' he noted, adding it to the list of pros about the situation.

The smell of blood was mingled now. With something else. Something bitter. And....

Alec tilted his head, trying to decipher the scents drifting around him.

'Something like a forest. And....night time' he decided and then,

'Night time'

Suddenly Alec was on his feet again, ignoring the wave of nausea that hit him with the movement. He burst out of his room into.....a restaurant. Oh wait no, not just any restaurant. The Jade Wolf.

His eyes scanned the room, past Izzy, Jace, Luke, Clairy, Simon and finally landed on Raphael. He was in front of the older Vampire in a split second, his nails digging into the shiny leather front of Raphael's jacket as his fangs slid out of their sheaths again. The smell of blood was almost overwhelming now. Alec avoided looking at any of his friends, certain that if he saw them, he wouldn't be able to control himself. Instead he met his Sire's astonished gaze and hissed out one word.


Raphael understood in an instant and held out a blood bag. Alec groaned in relief mixed with longing and was about to tear into it when he noticed everyone's eyes trained on him.

'No. I cant go into crazy Vampire mode. I need to look like I know what I'm doing'

So more for their sake than his, he took a hold of Raphael's wrist with one hand, blood bag still clutched in the other, and dragged his Sire out of the room. As soon as the door shut behind him, he ripped the bag open with his teeth, his hands shaking so hard that he could barely hold the bag to his mouth. The blood gushed out between his teeth and Alec let out a groan of satisfaction as he gulped it all down. Raphael stood beside him, watching the fledling quietly.

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