Gender Reveal

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  Chuck woke up, him and Blair were all tangled up in their white duvet. He faced Blair who was still fast asleep, her arm wrapped around him. She stirred cuddling up closer to him, resting her head on his arm. He watched as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her eyes fluttered open. Chuck gave her a kiss, "Good morning." He said. Blair smiled up at him, " Good morning Chuck Bass."
"Last call! Boy or girl?" Chuck asked.
Blair stretched, " Boy."
" Ok I guess that means I'm team girl." Chuck responded.
Blair laid down on the hospital bed covered in white paper and pulled up her shirt to reveal her growing stomach. Chuck stood next to her holding her hand. The ultrasound technician put some gel on her stomach and began moving the small device around. On the screen appeared a gray, fuzzy image of their baby. Chuck squeezed his wife's hand. He couldn't stop looking at the screen. The doctor walked them through what they were seeing saying everything looked great.
"Well it looks like you are having a boy!" The doctor finally said. Blair looked at Chuck with a big smile on her face. "I won!"
Chuck walked around the penthouse, caterers and decorators rushed around him. Thankfully for them, Blair was napping, if she wasn't they would be getting an earful. Chuck had agreed to make sure everything ran smoothly, which meant he would wander the house sipping scotch. He watched as they fastened cute pink and blue decor everywhere, and as chefs set out pink and blue themed food. They were having a gender reveal brunch. It was only a few days after Blair had her ultrasound. Blair had this party planned long before they actually knew the gender. In the invitations Blair specified that guests must come dressed in pink or blue, depending on their prediction.
Right as Chuck downed the last drop of scotch in his glass there was a knock at the door. He opened it to reveal a grinning Serena dressed head to toe in pink. Chuck smiled, she was in for a surprise. "Hey Chuck I thought I would get here early." Serena said stepping in and surveying the room. Chuck closed the door. " Where's Blair?" She asked looking over the table of treats.
" Upstairs napping she's rather tired these days."
Serena gave Chuck a once over. " We match!" She clapped, "I knew it was a girl!"
"Yes you are very intuitive." Chuck said amused.
"So is there anything I can do to help?"
"Nope they've got it handled." Chuck gestured around the room to the chefs and decorators, " Do you want a drink?"
"Sure, a mimosa." Chuck went over to the bar cart and made her a mimosa and poured himself some more scotch.
Serena took a sip looking around the room taking everything in, "Oh my God, Chuck, your going to be a dad."
"Yes I am."
"That is just crazy."
"Because..." Serena studied his face, " Your Chuck Bass"
"Yes I am."
"Sorry it's just when we were younger I just never pictured this life for you," She gestured around the room, " I pictured you living alone, with a drug addiction and prostitutes! Not rich- not only trust fund rich but successful, married to the smartest most beautiful women who is madly in love with you and a baby on the way."
" To be honest I never pictured this for myself either but I am so happy."
Chuck swirled his glass, "Serena?"
"Do you think I can do this? Be a good father?"
Serena raised her eyebrows, she was not used to Chuck being so open. "Chuck I sincerely believe you will be a wonderful father, if there is one thing I admire about you it's that you really know how to step up for the ones you love."
"Thank you Serena." Chuck smiled.
Serena smiled back, " Wow Chuck this whole baby business is making you soft."
Blair appeared at the top of the stairs. "Serena! I am so glad you are here! Come up I need help picking out a dress."
"Ok be right there!" Serena said, she turned to Chuck, "Duty calls."
Guests began to arrive and Chuck found himself all alone greeting people.
"Come on in I need to find Blair." He said. He rushed upstairs and into their bedroom. He found Serena and Blair chatting. " Guys people are arriving!"
" Right," Blair said giving him a kiss, " Sorry."
Blair was wearing a long sleeve, silk baby blue body con dress with a statement necklace encrusted in navy jewels and diamonds. They all walked down together.
" Thank you everyone for coming today!" Blair said, Chuck was standing next to her, his arm around her waist, " And now for the moment you all have been waiting for. I just need you all to count down from three."
Chuck pressed a button on the small remote in his pocket. Blue confetti rained down from the ceiling. "It's a boy!" Blair shouted. Chuck laughed as he watch Serena's reaction. Her jaw had dropped in disbelief.

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