chapter eight

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today's saturday. the day that lamelo and taylor are supposed to talk about what they want to be.

to say they were nervous was an understatement.

taylor stayed up late, until 3 in the morning, thinking about what she wants to say to him.

and lamelo, he stayed up all night thinking about what he wants to say.

it's now 11 in the morning, lamelo fell asleep at least 4 hours ago. and taylor fell asleep around 3.30.

they're supposed to meet up at taylor's house around 1.

taylor woke up around 11.30, only because katie came in to wake her up and tell her to get ready for the day.

"hey, taylor. wake up, it's almost time for lamelo to come over."

"give me five more years."

"no. you have to meet up with your potential boyfriend."

"he's not my boyfriend." taylor said, sitting up on her bed now.

"yeah, and uconn didn't win the championship last year." lou responded, sarcastically.

"shut up, i want to sleep."

"well, you can't. it's 11.30 so that gives you an hour and a half to get ready before lamelo comes over."

taylor made a face, giving a way that she forgot today was saturday.

"you forgot didn't you?"

"no. i didn't." taylor fibbed to her older sister.

"yes you did. you're lucky i'm still here or else would've forgot about the whole thing."

taylor is really thankful that her sister is still in california.

"well thank you for that. now, if you'll excuse me, i have to shower and get ready."



hirty five minutes away, liangelo was shaking lamelo awake so he could get ready to go to taylor's.

"yo! lamelo! wake your lazy ass up!"

lamelo was still knocked out after his ear was screamed in by liangelo.

"bro! come on, you gotta get up to go see taylor!"

at that, lamelo practically jumped in the air to get to the bathroom to shower.

"you're welcome!"

"thank you!"


now that lamelo is showered and dressed to go to taylor's, he asked liangelo if he can drive him there. which he says yes to.

on the way there, liangelo is asking what they're going to be doing, what lamelo is going to say, and if he really wants to date her.

lamelo answers all of his younger older brother's questions. he says that they'll probably watch a movie, he wants to hea what she has to say first, and that he does want to date her and ask her out at the right time.

that was a good enough answer for liangelo. he doesn't want his brothers first real crush to be a blowout.

he knows how lamelo is when it comes to girls and relationships.

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