"What?" He asked, wincing when he did realize how anxious he sounded.

        "W-water." Sooner than she was finished, Jefferson's body leaned over her's to get the tan pitcher, setting the half full cup in her hand.

        As soon as he did so, Thomas wished he hadn't. Alex's outstretched hand had been shaking from the chills and nausea, and wasn't prepared for the weight of the water, spilling it all over her lap and down the front of her gown. "Merde."

        The soaked shirt left nothing to the imagination, drawing Jefferson's attention to her chest. She, no matter how valiantly Alex tried, blushed like a virgin and folded her arms over herself. It had the opposite effect; instead of shielding, all she did was move her breasts up and outwards.

        Alexandra opened her mouth to speak - what? Jefferson particularly wanted to know - but a different nurse walked in, awkwardly halted as she became aware of the situation she walked into, and said, "Sir, if you would leave for a moment, I need to change Miss Hamilton's shirt."

        If possible, Alex became redder, and sunk into the bed in her embarrassment. "Yeah." Thomas whispered, "Sure."

        He high-tailing it out the door, but not before hearing, "Is he your boyfriend?" Followed with, "Oui, son nom est Thomas."

        The man in question thought he heard tinkling laughter behind, probably from Al- Hamilton correcting herself back into English, but his mind was preoccupied. Thoughts were flying all over the place and the one connection all they had was going by the name of 'Spamilton' per his contacts.

        The nervous energy was merely becoming too much for him, causing him to pace as he waited for the nurse to tell him he could come back in. Thomas knew he wouldn't be able to look Hamilton in the eye for a long while after what had just occurred.

        Why did that woman have to be so freaking distracting; it couldn't have been healthy by any means.

        One, two, three, four, turn back around, un, deux, trois, quatre, encore. Five minutes had passed, but, finally, when she - whose name turned out to Lu Quen - let him go back in, Lu took one look at him and pressed a hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle.

        Now what did that mean?

        Mumbling abuse under his breath, Thomas runs his hand through his hair, as best he could anyways, and walked in.

        Dressed in the clothes she had come in there with, Alexandra had her back turned to him. Her green long sleeve paired well with her loose jeans and loose dark brown hair. Theoretically, that was. It wasn't like Thomas heeded himself with trivialities such as the likes of Hamilton's clothing.

        Clearing his throat to make his presence known, Thomas saw the way her back clench and release in the span of half a second like she didn't mean to. Okay...

        "Hey, um-" Fudge, he stuttered. He can't stutter, not around Alexandra. "Question: What did you tell the nurse? She came out all giggly and stuff."

        Not any less tired, but having a couple more energy reserves to back her up, Alex bent down to get her shoes. Jefferson would have sighed for how long it took her to answer him.

        "What's so wrong with being happy?" She asked.

        He felt his blood pressure rise. It was a simple question why couldn't- oh, that was why. She was teasing him. Was that physically possible for her?

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