The Fresh Soilder of Watchpoint: Gibralter

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You frantically scramble up to the front gate of a large base, just barely behind schedule. Maybe if your alarm clock decided to go off you wouldn't be in the predicament, but here you were. You stopped once you got there, eyeing the weird symbols on a pad and wondering how you even try to get in. You purse your lips, raising your hand to the pad, but stopping just before touching it. "How the hell do I even get in this place?" You mumbled loudly, and it was probably a good thing you did. "Greetings," Came a female voice that made you jump, "I am Athena, and welcome to Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Please state your name so I may recognize you in our systems database." Athena said. You were quiet for a minute before standing up straight, "Uh, (Y/N) (L/N)." You said, trying to sound as calm as you could. It was silent for a minute before a clicking sound was heard, and the doors automatically opened, "Welcome Agent (L/N)." Athena said brightly. You gave a slight smile, "Well, thank you Athena," You said gratefully, "You are quite welcome Agent." She responded. Athena's response caught you off guard, you didn't quite expect her to even reply. "Did..Did you just answer me?" You said. "I did Agent, I am a fully aware AI that has the capability to be fully indepent. Now, Winston is waiting for you, and it seems you are a little late, if you need any more help Agent (L/N) please find a pad and ask for assistance." You stood for a minute before gasping, "Oh right! Thank you again!" You said and turned, sprinting through the gates, "My pleasure Agent." You heard Athena say as you tried to navigate your way to this so called Winston without going back for help. You sighed, and crossed your arms. Athena was helpful yes, but you wanted to try and be independent, and that was sort of backfiring. You looked at your surroundings, it was dark, and there were platforms up high connecting to offices. Most platform were a dark blue or grey color, and hints of orange decorated them as well. When you looked to your right you saw sunlight shining down on a crystal blue ocean, and in the distance lighthouses and boats speckled the waters. You sighed, trying to relieve a small amount of stress that was weighing you down, this place was actually beautiful when you weren't being frantic. "You seem lost." The voice sent a shiver down your spine and you turned to see a man, not much taller than you were. The man had a calm and cool demeanor, he had soft brown eyes, despite that fact that everything else about him seemed cold. He had ebony colored hair pulled into a small ponytail with silky yellow ribbon flowing behind him and just the right amount of facial hair that defined his jaw. The man's stance was perfect and he was very muscular. He had on a type of Japanese robe that only went on one shoulder. You let your eyes wander for just a second before looking back up at him, "I uh..." You felt like an idiot, and your cheeks showed it too. Finally you took a deep breath and stood up straighter, you had to make an impression, right? "Yes, it seems I am." You let yourself feel like a fool, but at least you walked into it with confidence. The man gave a slight nod, "And where are you heading?" He asked. You opened your mouth to confidently rattle off a location, but whatever was going to come out, was caught. You closed your mouth and looked around, "I actually..Don't know. I'm suppose to find 'Winston' but I have no clue where to go." You said and held your breath. The man took a second to study you before nodding to you to come with him. You finally breathed out and couldn't help but give the man a nervous smile, he had been giving a slight glare the whole time he had talked, but when you gave that nervous smile, you could see his lips twitched up into a very small, humored smile as well. You could feel your nervousness settle as you took a step forward to follow him. He led you out of the dark and towards the glimmering ocean. As you walked with the man, you noticed beautifully strung dragon tattoos dancing on his right arm as he walked, and for a moment, you were completely mesmerized by them. You were studying the blue and yellow swirling serpents when his voice completely snapped you out of your thoughts, "Hanzo Shimada." He said like he expected you to know what he meant. You raised an eyebrow, "Who?" The man turned, "Me, Hanzo Shimada." He said coldly, like he was almost offended that you didn't know who he was. You stood straighter, "Oh, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You said. Hanzo nodded, "Hmm." He hummed in acknowledgment. You felt a little disheartened, you also felt like you maybe offended him. You decided to step out of your comfort zone, "Hanzo? You seemed offended, did I cause that?" You said, stepping forward to try and look at him, but failing because he walked too fast. Hanzo turned his head to look at you, "No, I apologize if I came off that way, it is just naturally who I am." He said, sounding like he had said that many times before. You nodded, and to your surprise, he stopped and turned to look at you. You locked eyes with him and stood silently, waiting for whatever would happen next, because you weren't too sure. "We are here." Hanzo finally said and you looked around, "Oh." You simply stated at first but then jumped back to reality, "Oh! Okay, right, sorry." You turned to see a door that was placed in some rocks that connected to a big building. "Hanzo?" Came a deeper male voice and you both turned to a small building next to you that led up to a balcony, and when you saw what was coming out, you almost let your jaw drop. A big gorilla wearing some sort of armor was heading your way, "Ah, is this the new recruit?" The gorilla actually spoke, which scared you. Hanzo nodded, "Yes, she was lost so I brought her here." The gorilla smiled, "Well that was very nice of you Hanzo." Hanzo gave a huff and said nothing more. The gorilla turned to you, "Hello! I'm Winston, the definite brains of this place." He said and chuckled, you nodded, not really knowing what to say. Winston saw this confusion and gave a soft smile, "I know, this is all very new to you, I mean, I fully doubt you have ever had a conversation with a gorilla till now, but everything will get easier soon." You gave a smile as well, "Thank you." You said, what Winston stated was true, and it gave you more comfort than what you had before. Winston nodded, "Hanzo, if you could show...." Winston turned to you for an answer, "(Y/N) (L/N)." You said quickly, you started to feel Hanzo's eyes burning into you, so you tried your best to keep focus on Winston, "Ah, right! Could you show (Y/N) to her room? She is on the West wing, room C-37." Winston said. Hanzo nodded and you made the bold move to lock eyes with him for just a second, which couldn't have been worse since your cheeks heated up immensely and you had to look away to hide it. "Once you get settled in (Y/N), just tell Athena to send for Angela, she will evaluate you and make sure you're healthy." Winston said. You nodded, "Okay, thanks Winston." You said. Winston chuckled, "My pleasure! I am looking forward to see you in action!" He said with a big smile. You returned it yet again, since his smile was contagious, and turned to Hanzo, "Let's go." He said, there was no clear way to tell what he was feeling, so you hoped for the best and began to follow as Winston turned back to whatever he was doing before you arrived. You followed heel as Hanzo led you down twisting hallways. Hanzo wasn't much for talking unless started by others, so you started a conversation, "So where are you from?" You asked, trying to break the silence. Hanzo turned slightly to you and was silent before letting out a small sigh, "Hanamura, in Japan." He said. You knew he was foreign, maybe you would have guessed Vietnamese, but Japan never crossed your mind. "Oh, that's...Cool." You said, trying to find the right words and not sound childish, but that failed. Hanzo smirked, he had noticed, "And you?" You tried to keep up to his speed, "(T/N), (C/N)," You said, trying not to sound nervous. This man, could tie up your tongue with a single look, and this was not usual for you; you hated it, but also kind of liked it. Hanzo finally stopped when you reached a hallway, "These are the West Wing dorms, most people in these ones are newer members to Overwatch. Your door is down here." He said leading you down to the door C-37. You thought maybe it would be the Thirty-Seventh row, but that wasn't the case, it was just the number slapped onto the door. You turned to Hanzo, "Well, thank you." You said, your cheeks turned slightly pink again, and you mentally scolded yourself. Hanzo nodded, "Of course." He said simply. Hanzo started to turn and walk away, you felt like if you didn't say anything, he would just forget about you, so you did say something, "Hanzo, wait!" He stopped to look back at you and you felt your heart jump, "Uh..Maybe we should train together sometime..?" Hanzo gave an amused chuckle and nodded, "Sure." He said, and turned to finally leave. You watch him go before a wide smile played on your face from anxiety and triumph. You turned to your door and placed your hand on the pad beside it, and the door slid open. The room was very dull, a very small kitchen, an even smaller living room, and a bed and bathroom, that was the most bare. You made a mental note to get things to personalize this room, especially adding a little more color since the color scheme was a boring beige. You turned back to the pad that was inside this time, "Athena?" You tested, "Yes, Agent?" Her light voice filled the room. "Send for Angela." You said, even though you didn't even know who Angela was. "Alright, sending word to Dr.Zeigler." Athena said, and the room became silent again, all you had to do now, was wait.

(T/N)= Town Name
(C/N)= Country name

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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