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My name is Y/N
I've lived in Beacon Hills with my dad and mom. She new my dad was a werewolf and because my dad was hunted by the argents he always did the best to protect me. My mom wasn't very happy with that, she hated me because my dad payed so much attention to me and not to her. That's why she started hitting me. I never told someone and seriously not my dad because I didn't want to be the reason to their brake up. But only someone knew. Derek Hale. We were friends and he was a werewolf too. He wanted to help me and tell my dad, but I made him swear that he wouldn't do it.

When I was 12 years old my mom hitted me so hard that I blacked out. Everything just become black.

I woke up in a hospital bed. My dad was sitting next to me and he had a somber look in his eyes. "You were almost dead", he said. I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. Then my dad spoke to me again "Y/N, your a werewolf now, I had to bite you because otherwise you would die." "What happened to mom", I asked not knowing how to react about the werewolf thing. "Everything will be alright. I booked us tickets for  London. I broke up with your mom, and we can't stay here because there's now another strong werewolf in town." I gave my dad a light smile and hugged him tight to me.

Now I was 16 years, I was happy in London. I didn't have to worry each day. And being a werewolf was pretty fun, because I was stronger, faster and had a better hearing and smell.

But this day was horrible. I know the argents were here to find  my dad. I don't even know why they wanted my dad dead he never harmed anyone. My dad told me to run, he said he would hold the argents back. He hugged my so tight and tears filled my eyes. "Shh, it's okay Y/N, they don't know that you're one too. Go back to Beacon Hills and go live with your aunt. She'll be okay with it, I informed her", he said. "I love you dad." I sais while stuttering. "I love you too." And then I started to run off, and then I heard it my dad was killed.

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