Not Jus' The Whiskey Talkin'

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Bastards. The whole lot of them. Swarming around Y/N like she was roadkill, and them all a bunch of starvin fuckin' buzzards. Hell, the lass had only been workin' here three months, and from the moment she walked through that door I knew she should be mine, that she would be mine. Those jean clad legs were long and amazin' could probably wrap entirely around my waist, and don't get me started on those eyes!! I could stare into the for hours and be completely content.

Her laugh just brought me out of my thoughts. Tig had just told her some of his cheesy pickup lines tha' never work. "Dinna bore the lass Tig, she's got work ta do" I called sliding my empty glass toward her. She gave Tig a smile which made me hate the fucker even more as she walked toward me. "Another Guinness then"? She asked looking at the clock. She knew I never drank this early unless I was in a foul mood, which today I was, thanks to the horndogs at the other end of the bar.

"You know I bet I could get Y/N in my dorm by the end of the night if I really put the Trager charm out on her," Tig told Juice as they worked on an old Chevy that needed more work than it was worth. "Not if I get to her first Tig, besides, I'm pretty sure her standards are higher than you" Juice laughed as he dodged the wrench that went flying his way. "Alrigh' that's enough ye muppets! Go find that wrench Juice, I'm not gonna hear Jax's mouth about tool prices again" I bitched. Not liking the way they were talking about Y/N. "The lass isna a whore, and ye best remember that"

"You okay Filip" Y/N asked as she handed me my fifth beer of the evening. She was giving me that look of a concerned Old Lady. God, I wish she actually meant it. "Aye lass, jus' had a rough day" She nodded, wiping down the bar in front of me. "If you need to talk, or let off some steam I'm here okay? You know I'm not like the rest of these gossip queens". Oh, I know that fer sure lass, ye lips are tighter than ye' shirt. Which is showing off some amazing views if I must say so. Dammit Chibs, stop thinking to yerself, your not a terrified lad for Christ sakes! I nodded. "Thanks, Lass. Would ye mind getting me a shot please"? She gave me the worried look again but nodded. Y/N slid the shot down the bar to me and went to check on the other guys, who were no bombarding her with more questions.

"Hey Y/N, what's your favorite flower" Juice was giving her the puppy dog eyes as she grabbed his empty bottle and threw it in the trash. She loves daisies ye Muppet. "Well if you must know I love Daisies" her voice rang in my ear. A shit eating grin spread across my lips as I sipped my beer. I had left Daisies at the bar for her a little over a week ago. In fact, they were still in the vase, withered, and a little yellow around the edges, but she still had them. "I'll have to remember that the next time I'm in town" Tig joked as he stood up from the bar. Ye better forget it as soon as you hit the can, Trager.

"You still doing okay down here" Y/N was right in front of me. I hadn't even seen the lass walk up. Get ye shite together man. "Aye love, just unwindin. Are ye doing okay? Want me ta tell 'em to get lost" I nodded toward the end of the bar. Please let me tell them to get lost. She smiled at me and I thought my heart was going to burst. I loved her dimples. Ye did anythin' ye could to make her smile the first month she was here ya arse. "No, they aren't bothering me, besides, it's my job ya know? You want anything else"? Are ye on the list. "Yeah lass, how about some more Jameson"? She nodded, grabbing the empty shot glasses in front of me. I still seen the worry in her eyes. All three of them. The lass dinnae have three eyes! You're just drunk ye bugger. Will ye shut up, I'm nae drunk, and ye are getting on me nerves. "Here ya go Chibs. You feeling okay? You're face is a little red. She reached out and put her hand on my forehead, like a mother would do a sick child. Her cool hands felt amazin'' on my skin. Ye should go down a little lower lass. Dammit Chibs quit talking to me. Leave me alone to watch out for Y/N. She removed her hand and looked into my eyes. "I think you've had enough Chib's but I can't tell you what to do". Oh yes ye could and I would obey every order. "Nae, lass I'm good. Another shot would be lovely though. Or ye could just bring the bottle." There's that look again. I'm not a child lass, I can handle the whiskey. I've been drinking the shite since I was seventeen.

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