Chapter 2

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Josh's POV

Annika's house looked busy. I walked right in. Someone I knew as Hannah stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. "Josh?," she said quietly, then she yelled "JOSH!" Annika and Kyle ran over and looked amazed they hugged me. I was so confused.

All I could say is "Where is she?"

"Who?" asked Kyle confused.

"Th-the girl" I stammered.

"He must mean me!" yelled someone.

"I-I don't know you" I said.

"What? Josh, it's me Sarah! You're secretly in love with me, but you just haven't admitted it yet!" said Sarah or whoever.

"What's going on?" said a soft delicate voice. Then she saw me. "Josh" she breathed. There was a moment of silence.

"You threw the rock," I said.

"Yes," she said, "my name is Misty." I almost repeated the name out loud, I never want to forget it. Misty, Misty, Misty.

"Thank you," I said. The moment was finished.

"I'm calling the police," said Annika. "They'll want to know you're alive."

"Yeah, but can someone tell me how long I've been gone?"

"Josh, it's been a year," said Kyle.

"I can't remember anything" I said.

"Do you remember me?" asked Kyle

"Yes, where's James?"

"James isn't welcome here," said Hannah.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Dude, he forgot about you on purpose, as soon as we got there he did the jump. He didn't know you'd get kidnapped or anything, but still," said Kyle.

"Where are my mom and Ren?"

Misty answered this one, "Josh, I'm really sorry, but after six months seeing all these places where you used to was just too much for them. They missed you so much they...they had to leave".

"What about all my stuff" I asked knowing that wasn't the real reason they left. They were just waiting till the ideal moment to make a run for it and change their phone numbers.

"It's here, in our guest room," said Hannah.

"Where am I going to stay?" I asked.

"You'll live here untill we can get a hold of your mom," said Hannah. Memories began to flood my head: countless times my mom would never pick up the phone, not seeing her days at a time, being stuck with drunken Ren who slapped my face every time I did anything wrong, and above all wishing my dad hadn't left before I was born because he didn't want me. I wanted to remember more, I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I sat down.

"Okay" I said.

Misty's POV

I can't believe it. Josh is back and he barely remembers anything, but he remembers me. Annika got off the phone and walked into the living room. She went over to Kyle and they interlaced their fingers. I can't believe they're not an item yet.

"An ambulance is coming to check on Josh, then take Kyle, Josh, Misty, and me to the police department for more questioning" she said.

"Don't they need to question me? I mean, Josh and I were lovers" said Sarah walking over to Josh and wrapping her arms around him. "Not that we can't still be"

Josh ducked away and I felt strangely relieved.

"You hadn't interacted with him that afternoon," explained Annika.

"Oh, okay," said Sarah with a smile. Butt-kisser. Sarah and Annika have been friends forever, but you can tell Sarah bugs her at times. The doorbell rang and Hannah opened the door for the paramedics. They had Kyle help them lay Josh down on the couch. We had to step out of the room while they assessed his injuries. They allowed us back in.

"The physical damage is very little. Just a few bruises and cuts, one deep cut in his leg is going to need to be watched at the hospital overnight. Unfortunately, Josh has selective ammnesia. He forgot the things he'd rather forget like who kidnapped him and what happened, and he remembers the things he doesn't want to forget like Kyle, Annika, and Misty," said one female paramedic.

"We should get Josh, Kyle, Misty, and Annika to the police station before Josh goes to the hospital," said a male paramedic. "Oh, and Mrs. Smith," he said.

"Yes?" replied Annika and Hannah's mom.

"We'll need you to be a representive of Josh's guardian," said the paramedic.

"Alright," said Mrs. Smith.

"You will ride with Annika and Kyle in front with us," he said.

"What about Misty?" asked Annika.

"Josh has requested she rides in back with him," he said.

Josh Hammilton wants me to sit in back with him!


"Um...hey" said Josh.

"Hey" I replied.

"I'm glad you're back here," he said.

"Why? You've never even noticed me before"

"You were the last person I saw before I got kidnapped, and I regretted not knowing you. Probably the whole time I was kidnapped," he said.

"Oh," I said.

"So, why were you always over at the Smiths'?" he asked.

"My mom works two jobs so she's barely around the house, and I don't have any pets or sibbilings so the house is lonely and creepy. I was always shy in middle school, so Hannah was pretty much my only good friend. That's why I was always over at her place," I said "what about you?".

"I wouldn't see my mom for weeks at a time, and my stepdad, Ren, would always be drunk and irritating so pretty much all I did at home was eat and sleep. I spent the rest of my time at Annika or Kyle's" he said.

"I guess we have a lot more in common than I thought"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2012 ⏰

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