Skateboarding, Ammnesia, and Loving Him

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(Josh's POV) 

Today is the day. I've trained to do this for years. The tallest skateboarding just in the U.S and they just built it in my hometown in Illinois. I'm going to do it first, and I'm only in my freshman year. I can imagine what will happen after I do the jump. High fives from my friends Kyle and James. A relieved hug from my best friends Annika. Sarah will probably try to do something stupid and romantic and I'll have to shove her off. Then there'll be Annika's sister, Hannah, standing off to the side with her friend. I wish I knew her name. I snapped back into reality. The first day of school, freshman year. "Fresh-meat", but not for long. After I do the jump, I'll be the coolest guy in school! Everyone will know my name, Josh Hammilton. Riding home in the bus, I was still thinking about the glory.

"Good luck today," said a girl from my geometry class.

"Thanks," I said as I sat down next to my best friend Annika. There's nothing "romantic" between Annika and I, especially since she's crazy about my friend Kyle.

"Are you sure you really want to go through with this stunt Josh? You're just starting school maybe you should just focus on that. That jump is really dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt," said Annika

"Chill out! I'll be fine!" I said, "hey, can I just stay at your house untill James comes over?"

"You should head home, and stay focused," insisted Annika.

"whatever," I said. Annika was always so worried. The bus reached my stop, and I walked seven blocks my house.

"I'm home," I said.

"I don't care," replied Ren, my stepdad.

"Where's my mom, Ren?" I asked.

"Out" he answered," and you will call me sir. It's disrespectful not to"

"Whatever," I yelled "just tell my mom I'm going to the skatepark at four"

"She ain't going to care," he retorted, "your mom wouldn't even notice if you didn't come home at all! That's why you're lucky to have me".

"For some strange reason I don't fell very lucky," I said then I stomped upstairs.

My phone buzzed three unread messages from Sarah. Delete, delete, delete.

It's three thirty. I have a half hour. I shower then do my regular 100 push ups and sits ups to tone my abs and my arms. I notice that it's 4:01. James was supposed to come here first, and he's never late. It got to be 4:10 and I decided to start walking alone.

I am about half way there when a black van pulls over.

"Hey kid, you need a ride," asks someone I can't see.

"No, I'm fine," I answer. I continue walking. Suddenly, I hear a shrill screm behind me.

"Josh!" the voice screams. I turn around and see that it is Hannah's friend. The one who's name i didnt know. She was pointing to the van. It has made a U-turn.

The girl dialed 911 and yelled at me to run. I ran. She ran too, screaming at the driver to go away. The van was speeding so fast I couldn't outrun it. They caught me.

A man I couldn't see used his hand to cover my mouth and pulled me into the van. The girl picked up a rock and threw it at the car shattering the front window. I wanted to yell for her to run but my mouth was still covered. All I could do was close my eyes and listen to her scream. I knew it would be the last voice I would ever hear, the one of the girls name who I will never know.


Heyyyy! I am us super excited about this story OMG! I hope you like it!!!!!

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