Chapter 82- Time to Fight

Start from the beginning

"Honey?" Mae darted away and to peek through the door. It was the little college boy stood smiling at her. "Honey!"

No one spoke making an uneasy feeling come to Mae. Looking up she saw Takashi Mori. The giant stared at her looking for any signs of distaste.

He'd expected her to get a little happy to see him. "You?" She clenched her fist. "Kyoya!"

"You called?" He smiled at her. Was this a mask? "I decided Takashi should come and protect you." Kyoya had pain in his eyes but his arragant strides made Mae grind her teeth. "Besides your too weak to be by your-"

"I hate you!" Mae yelled at him.

Silence. It was like you could cut through the air and be able to hear a sharp chop. "I'm not hiding like Akane will. I already ran away and that was your fault too Kyoya. Now it's time I did what I should've." Mori gently smiled at her. "Stay." She whispered to herself.

Kyoya hated himself. All he wanted was her and still she wouldn't take his offer of safety and still she looks into another mans eyes and tell him herself that she hates him. Was this forever a cycle?

"Awww Mae chan." Honey sniffed. "Your So brave."

"Thank you honey." Mae smiled at him.

"Mae maybe being in safety is better." Haruhi sighed.

"I don't care if she kills me. I want her to know I'm better than her."

"Your death not mine." Kyoya muttered with disgust.

"It is my death." Mae quickly said back.

"Fine than." Kyoya hissed. "Excuse me I have to see if Miss Sone has been secured." He made quick and angry movements to the other room.

There was a moment of silence yet again as Mae and Mori stood before each other. He towered over her and looked down as she had to look up.

"I guess we just wait now." Mae sighed and ended the contact.

"You should stay safe." Mori muttered.

"Says the one who hasn't talked to me in months. Why do you even care?" Mae rolled her eyes. His face went pale he looked sick. "Sorry." She sighed again.

"I can't be around you." Mori looked away.

Mae made a frustrated grunt. "Yuri almost died! Where were you?!"

"I am no longer a host." He painfully looked at her as if she'd stabbed him.

"Your still our friend."

Yuri cleared her throat. "I wouldn't have wanted him there either."

The two who were once a couple glared at Yuri to put her in her place.

"I'm Mae your Mori. We were suppose to be forever."

"Um..." the twins raise their hands and got glared at. Kaoru looked to Haruhi."shouldn't they have their ex couple talk somewhere else?"

Haruhi sighed and nodded her head. "I think she's still pissed off at Kyoya."

"So shes taking it out Mori senpai?" Ritsu observed.

The twins jumped. "I forgot you were a host." They both shook. 

"Oh?" He frowned.

"It's okay Kasonoda." Haruhi pat his back.

"I can't believe you-" Mae stopped as the door opened.

As Yuri was reading a book with Nekozawa the book fell to the ground.

A timid looking Akane took fidgeting with her fingers.

"Great the snack for Maise is here." Yuri croaked with harshness.

"Snack?! I knew you damn people were up to-"

"Miss Sone.." Kyoya waltzed in with his host smile. "Your safe room is right back here."

"Safe room?" Yuri hissed. "She should repent for her sins."

Akane ignored her. It was obvious the girl was more concerned over Maises threat.

"Actually," Mae cut in front of Akane. "Why is Maise after you?"

"Uh..." Akane looked away. "Shouldn't I get to safety?"

"Answer." Kyoya flicked her head.

"Ow!" She shouted and rolled her eyes. "I lied to the cops. I said I didn't have involvement."

Mae stepped up closer. "You deserve to have your butt handed to you. Of all the low life people in the world. I'd list you at the top of those people."

"What does a commoner have to say to me."

"If I were you I'd be kneeling at my feet." Mae poked Akane. "Cause if it weren't for me everyone here would allow you to be feed to the beast." Akane had distaste on her face then she gulped. "Now all of us are going to fix the problem you started."

"Shes after you too!" Akane yelled as she was escorted by Kyoya to the safe room.

"I know." Mae sighed.

"Last chance." Kaoru walked up next to Mae.

"I'm staying." Mae confidently said. "No one else if getting hurt  by Maise, defiantly not you guys either. Time to fight."

"That was cheesy." The twins mumbled.

Mae frowned. "Yeah it kind've was. But you get the point."

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