Chapter 2

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"I JUST LOVE DREW BARRYMORE," I moaned, as I swallowed my ice cream. Jen had gone and gotten it from Hagen Daz. "Drew Barrymore is pretty awesome," agreed Jen. "You know what?" I asked her. "What?" She asked back. "I wanna—" I started, but she interrupted me. "—watch some football." She finished with a smile. I grinned and she took out the CD and changed the channel. "No way! I love the Dallas Cowboys! They're  playing right now!" I practically screamed. "Yes, Sam!" Laughed Jen, "but then again, so are the Atlanta Falcons." I grinned.   "Well, isn't this going to be an interesting match?" I inquired, amusedly. "True," agreed Jen, nodding.

"That was so close to a touchdown!" I screamed,"the Falcons are gonna win for sure."
"Hm. I guess that I really will have to  give you those five dollars that we betted on. If the Falcons win, of course." Sighed Jen. I grinned. A few minutes into the match, Jen betted me on that the Cowboys would win. And she knew me. I wouldn't say no to a bet. So we betted on five dollars.

"I don't understand why you made the bet, J." I said, looking to the right. "Yeah. I don't either." She murmured back. I cracked up. In a few seconds she started cracking up too. "You have a very contagious laugh!" Cried out Jen, with tears of laughter oozing out of her eyes. "I know I do," I answered back, snorting at her.

"Now, that's not very ladylike, is it?" She said in a posh voice. I started cracking up again, and then she started as well. But I stopped as soon as I heard some scratching noise coming from the door. "Shh," I said to Jen, putting a finger on my lips. I switched off the T.V. Then, I quickly tip toed towards the front door, where the noises were coming from. Grabbing an umbrella in my hand, I opened the door, and Jen was behind me, waiting with terror shown in her eyes. "Yah!" I yelled, ready to bring down the umbrella. But I stopped when I saw two adorable wolves staring back at me. "Aww," I cooed. "Aren't they adorable?" Jen blinked as well. I could see that she had her eyes on the full hazel wolf. I bent down and starting petting the wolf which had a white coat and stunning yellow eyes. I immediately squirmed when I felt how soft the wolf's fur was. "I think I'll name him Storm."I decided. "And I want to name this little guy... Adoff." Jen said.

"That's a nice name, Jen." I smiled at her. "Yours is better, though." She replied. We kept on arguing on who's was better, and by the time we looked back at the wolves, they were gone. It was a bit shocking, especially when out of the blue two wolves come, and the same way, they're gone.

"What?" Both Jen and I shrieked at the same time. But we shrugged it off a few seconds later, and headed back inside. "That was weird, Jen." I interjected. "You're right, but its best that we don't dwell on it." Answered Jen. She was always the logical one. Just then, I heard a bang on the door. "Who's that?" I called out. No one answered. It frieaked me out a little bit. "Jen, I'm grabbing the AK-47, you grab the Revolver." I said. We both hurried down to the basement where I kept weapons stashed just in case someone came to kidnap us or murder us. I grabbed my AK-47, and Jen grabbed the Revolver. Be both grabbed a dagger just in case, and also took a belt. And then we inserted the gun and the knife into the little ring-like openings in the belt. "Follow me," I whispered to her. We were just about to enter the living room, when we heard a loud boom. "Oh man," I cursed after I said that. "I wonder who it is."  "Let's not talk too much." Jen said. "Grab on my waist and put that body on me, come on now follow my lead, come come on now follow my lead, mhmhm." I finished, singing. "I was about to say that, now, shut up!" Jen whispered hastily.

And when we peeked around the corner, the door broke down. Jen and I immediately pulled out our guns and pointed it towards the people who broke my door. There were a couple of guys, around four. And they were the same people who I saw in the truck earlier in the day.  Two of them immediately grabbed Jen and I. A muscular arm gripped my forearm, and trapped both of my arms behind my back. They did the same thing to Jen.

That's when the both of us shared a look and nodded. We both swung our knees in unison and kneed them in their man hoods. Both of the men doubled over, clutching their stomachs and the other two were bent over laughing. That's when Jen and I escaped and went around the house, hiding behind some bushes which were really itchy. "I can't believe they did that to us!" I heard a man's voice complaining about us. It was one of those men who broke into my house. "Why the heck did they have to do that?" I heard another voice complain. I giggled. They didn't know that we could hear them. "Shh. I smell them." Said the first voice. They can smell us? But how? It was unheard of. That's when I saw dark silhouettes above me, and then I knew hat they found us. The next thing I knew was a hand snaking it's way around to my mouth, and everything going black.

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