Chapter Two

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The first night at Hogwarts was magical. The four poster beds or the common rooms haven't changed since Cassie's mum, Bellatrix has been at school. Cassie had already written home about everything: the train, the sorting and her new friend Lilah. Luckily, she shares a dorm with her, and Philippa although she doesn't really know her very well yet and another girl, Jennifer Walker. She didn't like to talk, she went straight to bed as soon as she got here.

Everyone woke up after a good nights sleep and headed for breakfast.

"I'm so excited for the lessons! I honestly can't wait!" Lilah squealed as they walked down to the hall.

"Seriously? I'm excited about the food!" Cassie laughed.

"Although my mum's a witch, she doesn't like to talk about school and just the magical world in general. She's always been like that. So I don't know anything. You're gonna have to teach me stuff!"

"Of course. I don't know any spells or anything like that but I sure know a lot about Hogwarts, my-basically-aunt called Hermione made me read Hogwarts: A History" said Cassie.

They reached their table. The older years were already there but the first years looked completely lost. Cassie looked around to the Slytherin table to see if she can see her brother. His hair has grown a lot since the last time she saw him and it was blond, since he is a metamorphmagus he can shape shift. When he was younger he couldn't control it so his face and body would suddenly turn a weird shape sometimes. But now it's just the hair. He sat next to another boy and they seemed to be having a nice conversation. Leo was always a lot shyer than Cassie was.

Professor McGonagall came past the Ravenclaw table to give out everyone's time table for the rest of the year.

"Ooohhhh! We have Herbology the first thing. That sounds exciting..." Said Lilah.

"Miss Carrow! Breakfast is not the time to have a sleep, it is time to eat!" Professor McGonagall shouted. Pippa's head shot up.

"S...sorry Professor." Pippa started blushing furiously and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I'll be back in a sec" Cassie whispered to Lilah, who was too concentrated in the time table, and walked over to Pippa.

"Hey, are you OK? Pippa, isn't it?" Said Cassie.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep very well last night." Said Pippa.

"But those beds are so comfortable!"

"I know, I know. I just had a lot on my mind. You know, me being sorted into Ravenclaw and..." Pippa trailed off.

"Oh right, if you need anything I'll be here!" Cassie smiled and walked off. Of course, she could hear what Pippa was thinking. She was worried that her parents and even her sister, Jessica who was in the year above, wouldn't talk to her since she hadn't been sorted into Slytherin.

Since the war, there hasn't been such a divide between Slytherins and the rest as there used to be, but if you were in a family of a former death eater it was always expected that they will go into Slytherin otherwise it would be a betrayal. Since Rodolphus' death, the Lestranges aren't thought as a threat anymore.

Cassie returned to Lilah who was still looking at the timetable and oohing and ahhing.

"It's going to be a fun year" Cassie whispered to Lilah.


"It's lucky that she hadn't read your mind and found out about your past yet though." Said Narcissa.

"I know, I know but now she's out there, at school, she will find out. And Leo. OH MY GOD I haven't even thought about him. He's clever enough to find out." Said Bella.

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