Tired+Thirsty=Something Worse(Harry)

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3rd Person Point of View

The boys of One Direction had been having a really busy month. They literally had no time for themselves for as soon as they were done with one thing they were dragged to the next place. It was all interviews, concerts, rehearsals and promotions.

They managed to snag a few hours of sleep on the bus most nights and ate while they were on the road to their next destination.

The boys were exhausted and were starting to get quite irritable with just about anything and everything- including each other. Being cooped up with only the other boys for hours on end was starting to test everyone's patience.


Harry woke up that morning feeling really tired and really really thirsty. He sat up with a silent groan and realized that he was the only one awake. The others were still asleep in their bunks on their new bus.

His throat was really dry so he got up and went to the kitchen area to get himself a glass of water. It felt amazing going down his throat but as soon as he had finished one glass he realized that he was still thirsty. Without thinking much of it, Harry just poured another glass and even though he still felt thirsty afterward, he went back to his bunk to get some much needed sleep.


A mere two hours after Harry had gone back to sleep Liam's phone blaring woke them all up. Moans and grumbles could be heard all through the bus and Louis even threw his pillow at Liam when he took too long to turn the blasted thing off.

"Right lads," Liam said, "time to get up, we have a bus day today."

"Fuck off." Louis said, turning so his face was pushed into his pillow.

"Don't start this now, Louis," Liam said angrily, "I'm not in the mood."

"Whatever." Louis said.

"Just get up," Liam said, "why are always so lazy? All of you just get up. We really don't have time to spare, unless you guys want to be late and then explain to management why we were late?"

"Alright, alright jeez," Louis said, standing up, "happy now?"

"Finally." Liam said.

"I don't get why you're so on my case," Louis sad indignantly, "Harry and Niall are still sleeping yet you only picked on me.

"Just go get ready," Liam said tiredly.

"Whatever." Louis mumbled, walking past Liam and going into the bathroom.

Liam sighed and rubbed his face, already knowing that today wasn't going to be one of his best days. He went over to Niall's bunk and luckily Niall didn't put up too much of a fight in getting up.

Harry on the other hand, was a different story. Liam almost started to worry that Harry wouldn't wake up when he finally opened his eyes and let out a slight groan.

"You alright, mate?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, just tired." Harry replied.

"I know what you mean, but we have to go," Liam said, "you're just gonna have to suck it up and get through the day, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry said, getting up to drink some water as he still felt really thirsty.


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