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If you're wondering how their sleeping beauty play went, let's see. I think it went pretty good considering they are all planning to have a little celebration somewhere and of course, organized by Raku's man, Maiko Shu.

Looking back to what happened during their School Festival:

Praises were heard from the auditorium down to the corridors and the entire Bonyari High school right after their stage play.

"So Ichijou really can't just let it pass and asked Shu for the role of the prince"

"I believe the role-switch affected our play the most because those two really played it so magically."

"They are really meant for each other. kyaaa!!"

Believe it or not, it's as if the only section who played during the whole day were them. They really killed the day. Kudos to the magical couple and their magical kiss. (not to mention, their classmates)

Meanwhile, Ruri, who has an eye in everyone's actions asked Chitoge about her current relationship status with Raku after realizing that there is something between them after the play.

"hey, Chitoge-chan, our play was a blast and so was your kiss with the prince. Say, how did it became so natural? I thought you two are just faking your relationship or is it the other way now?"

Ruri's question is so accurate, that made Chitoge almost splurted out her drink.

"Haaa??!! that's a sudden question Ruri-chan. uhm you see---"

Raku, who noticed Chitoge's fidgeting actions somehow managed to read the air and later on approached the two ladies.

"Miyamoto-san, thank you for your support in regards to our last stage play." as he suddenly holds Chitoge's hands and kissed it.

"wh-whaat's with that sudden gesture you beansprout??!!" as she tries to snatch away her soft hands against him but she can't because her beansprout just tightened his grip on her hands.

"Why honey? haven't you told her about us yet?"

"That's what i'm going to ask her, what's between you two Ichijou-kun?" Ruri asked.

"well, you see we are. . ."

"EVERYONEEE!!!! LISTEN!!" as Shu shouted and interrupted the scene.

"to celebrate our victory and to give acknowledgment to the main actors, i have organized a party to be held at Ichijou's place. I hope everyone can join us. Thank you!"

"SHU! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" and Raku then drags Shu away from their classmates "MY HOUSEHOLD IS A DUNGEON OF YAKUZAS. YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BRING THEM THERE WITHOUT ANY FAVOR FROM MY POPS. ARE YOU GOING TO SACRIFICE THEM FOR YOUR SELFISH ACTIVITY?" Raku scolds his bestfriend as he tries to convince him to divert their activity at some other place.

"Oh! is that so? is the only party allowed to go there are our group?" Shu asked in confusion

"Of course you stupid. and right now, pops have a special visitor so it cannot be celebrated on our main house. Maybe i can suggest Chitoge's villa at the beach but try to ask her first before telling it to our classmates."

"Thank you Rakkun! Im dying to see Kirisaki in her hot swimsuit!!! whoooo"

"HOY, watch your words dumbass. that's my girlfriend you're talking about"

"oopps! sorry! wait what??? Chitoge's your??"

and with that, Raku only gave him a smirk followed with a wink.

If you guys know what it means, that only gives confirmation to Raku and Chitoge's relationship status.

And so with that,

"I guess classmates. It has been settled. Chitoge's family agreed to let us stay at their villa on the farther south. I am going to ask for your attendance to check who are the interested people to join us. Can you just pass the attendance sheet Ruri-chan"

Shu later on led and organize their so called "mini-vacation" at Kirisaki manor.

"beansprout!" Chitoge whispered to call her boyfriend.

"yes my princess?"

"eew. don't call me princess. Say, if our other classmates go home after the trip, can we stay there for at least a little longer? I wanted to enjoy the place with you. . . just the two of us"

Chitoge asked him a wonderful request. Who's in the right mind to reject such offer especially from the one they love?

"Chitoge? wh-what are you planning to do? I'm not yet ready!"

"dumbass! i'm just asking you to stay with me a little longer, not to make me pregnant! you stupid perverted beansprout!!! Say now, are you game for it? I would love to ask the gang as well."

"sure, for the love of my gorilla. i will. I actually thought you're going to make the lead hehe" smiles and kiss her at her cheek.

"I can't wait as i am too excited to spend the vacation with you, Raku". she answered as she plays with Raku's hair.


Hi guys!

i know there's not too much of a scenario for this chapter. I'm just going to post this as a part 1. I promise to make the next issue very meaty.

If someone wants to request a good scene for the next chapters, just leave a comment and let's make it happen on the story.

Thank you very much for reading!



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