He still didn't say anything. Instead, he left the bed and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. A few minutes later he came out in a fresh pair of clothes. He kissed her forehead, grabbed his phone and his wallet, then left without a word. Demi was way too tired and way too emotionally drained to even try to analyze his reaction, so she slumped back against the pillows and pulled the covers over her head. She might as well get one more good nap in if this would be her last time sleeping in Trey's bed.

Trey sat down at the table outside of Bayou Bakery, a Louisiana inspired cafe, where his mother was waiting for him. She had already ordered a plate of beignets and two glasses of strawberry lemonade for both of them. Trey tried to smile at her but with what Demi told him weighing on his mind, it was kind of hard.

"How are you, Trey? I see you've been busy with all your promotion and stuff like that," April said before taking a sip of her lemonade.

"I'm fine. Things are going well, especially with me and Demi," Trey said, raising his eyebrow as he waited for her reaction. But she simply clasped her hands together and forced a wider smile on her face.

"That's...that's great, Trey. You know, you're getting older and I hate to be the one to do this, but is she really the one you want to settle down with?" April questioned as Trey sat back in his seat. 

"Why do you ask that?"

"I just don't think she's good enough for you, Trey. I think you're too caught up in how good she makes you feel and you're not looking at the big picture. If she didn't want to marry you seven years ago, why would she want to marry you now?"

"Because I love her," Trey boldly stated, causing April to grimace.

"Just because you love something doesn't mean it's good for you. Demi is what you want, not what you need, and you need to find a girl who can be both," April explained as Trey furrowed his eyebrow.

"Say that again."

"Say what again?"

"What you just said."

"I said you need to find a girl who can be both."

"Both of what?"

"What you want and what you need. Trey, what's wrong?" April asked, reaching across the table to place her hand over her son's but Trey pulled his hand away.

"Demi was telling the truth."

"Excuse me?"

"In that letter she wrote to me when she left her ring...that's what she said. She said she was what I wanted but not what I needed. You did drive her away. She's telling the truth. You ruined our relationship, mom," Trey accused, causing April to widen her eyes.

"Excuse me? Don't you dare accuse me of something like that just because that little girl got scared and ran away!"

"She wouldn't have ran away if you weren't putting shit like that inside of her head. She lost her mother. All she wanted was a mother figure and she thought she found that in you but instead you chased her away. And you had the audacity to tell her to abort my child? What would've been your grand child?" Trey's voice was getting louder and he knew he was attracting everyone's attention but he didn't care.


"You think you know what's best for me but you don't. I'm 32 years old. I know what's best for me, mom. And you need to stay out of my relationship and start respecting Demi or I will cut you off without a care in the world, just like dad," Trey huffed before standing up and leaving. He wanted to say that he couldn't believe what his mother had done, but was he really that surprised?

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