Electric Signals

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I guess this is where we meet, by the promenade, by the sea, in Adelaide, for a drink, or three, with enough time left to think, about how things could've been.

I wanna know how you feel, deep inside, wondering if time can slowly heal, the nights where you felt you slowly died, and send out those electric signals again, just so i can feel your heart slowly, beat in the palm of my hand again, so that you can never feel lonely.

The hurt, and pain, that we both caused, left us lying in the dirt, where we never felt the same, again, and it felt like our lives were on one big pause, leaving only us two left to blame.

We're on the road to the end, as we twist and turn through these bends, the rain falls down hard, as i continue to walk far, away from view, away from you.

                               This Is Your Voice Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang