Chapter 2

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Zoe woke up to the songs the birds were singing as the morning sun raised. AZoe opened her curtains and looked at the town beginning to awaken. The market people were getting their shops ready for all their sales today. I went down the stairs to see mother taking a bath in the tub I brought from the river last night. "Morning mother" I said walking down the stairs. 

I walked into the kitchen to make food,there is a window way into the living room so I could still talk to her. "Morning honey you may take a bath if you want" Mother called.

"No its ok save it for  Aria" I told my mother. "What about you?" She asked "There is a lake not far from the village. I can bathe there" I replied.

 "Ok but be safe and take clothes to change into with you ok?" Mother insisted. "Of course mother, Ill be heading out now" I say grabbing an apple and clothes then run out the door. The nice breeze of the wind felt amazing on my wide awaken skin.

I sneaked away from the village and through the forest, There is a fallen tree over the water so I crossed it to get to the lake. I took of all my clothes and jumped in the water. With the water I rubbed my body and hair to make sure it was all clean.

 I got out and dressed then headed back to the village. I walked back into the village and saw the kids running and playing. The animal oinking and mooing, The market people yelling prices. Most woman gardening and watching the kids while the men were working.

"Mother I'm home" I yelled startling our dog. "Welcome home honey" mom called as I walked into the kitchen and sat down with them at the table. "Hi sis how was your bath?" Aria asked taking another bite of mango. 

"My bath was alright, the water was just a tiny bit colder then our bath water. You should come with me Aria next time." I said with a smile "We could also go swim there in the summer!" Aria exclaimed excitedly. "Yes we could if it is ok with mom" I said looking at mother with a look of question. "I don't care but stay safe" Mother said.

 "Hey sis we need to go help the woman in the gardens today for money, I Told Hildia I would and you would too. She is going to pay us 100 euros" I said putting her dish in the dirty dish basket.

"Bye mother" We both called and left to go work. "I heard you gave the jewelry lady 600 euros!" Aria yelled "Yes she really needed it" I claimed "We need it too we are going broke which is why we have to work like the other woman." Aria grumbled. "Hey our dad left us with a lot of money just its for emergencies only, and don't get sassy with me young lady."

 I threatened "Humph, Sis my feet are hurting" Aria whined. I froze in place an fell to my knees remembering my father in the market back in London. A tear streamed down my face ,It felt like I was there again. "Father. . . " I whispered. Aria and a few other people were staring at me like I was being possessed or something.

When Mrs. Jony bended down and started rubbing my back. She was the only towns people who knew what happened in London because she is a close family friend. She helped me up and I hugged her. "Shoo don't stare" She yelled at everyone. Not even Aria knows what happened to dad, She was to young to remember. Mom always said dad left us when she was was really little.

I whipped the tears from my face as we walked up to the woman door of who we needed to help today.I knocked and a short lady popped out "Hello there come in, you are the girls who are helping me today right" She asked "Yes we are ma'am." I replied. 

She told us what to do and we worked all day until sun down. She paid me and Aria was asleep on her couch. I picked up my sister and said goodbye to the nice old lady. We got home and I carried Aria to her bed and found mother asleep on the couch. 

I covered mother with a blanket and kissed her on the head. I then called my dog up to my room to go to sleep. I was exhausted from all the work today so I fell asleep like a baby.

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