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   *Josh's point of view*

   I walked to school at 6 a.m, far to early but it was much better than being at home. Although, school isn't any better. At home I'm yelled at and beat on every day and night. At school I try to isolate myself but that just causes more people to come after me with their fist and cruel mouths.

   I got to school around 7:05, sitting on the bench across the street. I started to nod off being calmed by the wind and the morning fall temperature. When I awoke I was faced with Avi Kaplan and his group of brainless thugs. I immediately sat up and prepared myself. It was Patrick who talked first 

   "Looks like the emo is tired. Let's wake him up a little bit more." He said with a smirk on his face. 

   "Ya let's" Avi and the others agreed enthusiastically.      

   "Guys p-please" I said hardly at a whisper. It was Patrick who hit first, he landed his fist straight into my gut. Avi laughed then grabbed my shoulder tightly, pulling me over. He then used his other fist to punch my jaw and causing me to fall down onto the ground. They all laughed at me and gathered into a circle. I simply balled myself up and bit down on my teeth tightly. 

   "Better sleep tonight cunt." Avi snarked at me. 

   "Ya, don't let your Dad catch you up or he might hate you even more." Patrick said. I simply stayed balled up until I saw them leave, saying more remarks toward me. Once I knew they were really gone I got up and popped my jaw a couple times then wiped off my clothes. I then headed into school slightly limping on my left leg. I hadn't gotten used to their beatings and I would never get used to the pain either. 

   I entered homeroom five minutes before the bell would ring and sat in my seat at the back corner of the room. I tried to focus on my book until I heard Avi practically yelling at Tyler. Tyler Joseph was the most handsome boy ever. He wasn't loud or obnoxious and he was so smart. I knew he didn't know who I was and I didn't hardly even know anything about him apart from his looks. I just watched him get bullied around by Avi until the bell rang. I wanted to say something to him so bad but I knew I couldn't even if I wanted to. It would only earn me more of a beating from him.  


So ya, I should update about every three days or so. I hope ya'll like it. Thanks ;}

~ Roy 🎩

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