let's get started.

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Danny pov-

Today's been normal so far. The crazy, the gross, the overconfident, the decent, and all the teenage drama you'd expect from this school. As far as I'm concerned any school with kids old enough to know their abc's. The only change is I'm supposed to head up to 3E early. Really early.

Apparently this "new teacher" is a big deal. I think they'll run if they meet 3E. They always send up a lousy teacher, and the new teacher always yells at me for having to deal with these kids, 'cause apparently I'm the only other adult that goes up there.

Most of the kids are just misunderstood, couldn't pass enough tests, or have bad situation at home. Heck if I were a student I'd be up there.

They don't know but I do. Some how I turned into their guidance counselor. I don't know if I even help them. They just talk to me after school about anything. From mental issues, to problems at home, to fashion, to baseball.

I guess all of Jazz's blabbering payed off. Clockwork knows Spectra's didn't.

3rd person -

The halfa finally approached the old building. He turned to look back at where he came from. Seeing the sun had barely risen over the horizon.

And then he ran into a tree.

A boy with blue hair and a girl with green saw this happen. The boy ran over to help the man. The girl snorted quickly covering her mouth and followed.

Nagisa's pov -

I can't belive Mr Janitor just ran into a tree. Well I can believe it. He's always been clumsy.

"Mr Janitor are you ok? Why are you up here so early?" I ask. He always insisted we call him Mr. He says it just helps him remember where he came from. And since no one really asked his name we call him Mr Janitor. He's always been nice. Even though I've only talked to him a few times. No one really talks about him, but I've overheard kids talk to him about their problems.

"I'm fine Nagisa just a bit clumsy. Ha. And as for your other question there's a new teacher coming up here today. I don't know why, but they wanted me up here early to meet them." Mr Janitor responded in a tired tone? He rubbed the back of his neck when Kaede approached. He added "You better hurry. Time waits for nobody except clockwork." Checking my watch I realize he's right. Mr Janitor seemed to laugh at him self. I don't really understand why.

Kaede nods and takes off running towards our class. I follow.

Let's just see what this new teacher is like.

Hey thanks for reading. I just hope I can keep this up for anyone who reads it.

I'm always open to suggestions on how you want this story to go.

Next chapter I'm hoping to actually get into episode one of assassination classroom.

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