Chapter 10 : Copycat part II

Start from the beginning

Arthit squeze his head to mr Deaun chest, trying to have some warm and collapse after mumble something

" I want you"

That is when Miss Cheryl come and hold Arthit

"I'm sorry mr. Deaun. I will take care of him from here"

"Okay, just take him"

Miss Cheryl take Arthit and heading to the one of the room and it same goes to Mr Deaun


Urghhh my head

Arthit is holding his head and trying to make the headache gone

How much did I drank last night?

Damn it!!

He looked besides him and saw his handphone. He take it to check on time

Already 7 am.....

WHAT!!! 7 AM!!!!!

Shiaaaa!!! mae gonna scold me

Arthit shoved the blanket that wrapped around him and what he saw really shocked him

I'm naked!!

Shia!!! Shia Arthit!!! What had happened last night?

What should I do???

He looked around and saw his clothes is scattered all over the place

Arthit held his head and feel very uncomfortable

Right at the moment, he heard something

He looked at the sound and saw a man is coming out from the bathroom with only towel wrapped around his waist


Miss Cheryl POV

Once I step into the VIP room. My eyes have laid onto this one guy

I really interested with him

He looks like a nice guy and reliable

He looks different fron the other guy

He looks uninterested with us, which is perfect in every expect

We have looks, nice body figure and also very sexy

I have a high hope for getting choosen by him but when it comes to his turn he doesn't seem to have any interest on us at all

He just looking at the other side

That was when his manager called me out and asked me to accompany him

Today is really my luck

I'm so happy amd walk to him

I sit down next to him

I tried to seduce him but he ignored me

I saw him staring at Miss Pai direction

Is he interested in Miss Pai

Im quite disappointed and tried to drunk myself when he suddenly take my bir glass and drank them in one shot

He drinks a couple of glass and stop

I just looked at him in disbelief

What make him be like this?

I looked at Miss Pai and now I understand

He got jealous of the guy who is now groping Miss Pai body

I give up

But a moment later he started to shoved as many bir as he can into his mouth

He seems drunk

I saw Arthit closing his eyes and opened them back after a while and looked at me

He mumbled something

"Aww, Kong! Where have you been? I miss you!!"

I dont understand what he is talking about

He address me as Kong what? I dont remember because he continue talking after that

"Eyyyy, don't you want to hug and kiss me? Don't you want me?"

I see a green light from him when he asked me about that and without wasting anytime I reach for him and kiss him. I eagerly want him since I  really interested with him. I kiss him roughly

Unexpectedly he kiss me back. A kiss that show that he wants me. After a while, he softly pushed me and told me

"Let me breath"

I let him do that but still holding him. I dont know why but seeing him trying to catch up his breath makes him looked more attractive

With a lust that started to take over myself, I stand up and climb onto Arthit by sitting on his laps and continue kissing him

He already got enough time to get his breath back

Between our kisses....Arthit murmur something to me

"I miss you"

He then take a lead and there's a kissing battled happened within our lips and tongue

Not enough with that, both of our head got synchronized when our head turned to different direction to deepen our kiss. When we are finally find our comfortable position he suddenly stop the battle and let go of my lips and pushed me aside

He stand up and walk towards Miss Pai

I let out a frustration sound

Man! All of them wanted the popular one. What make me different from Miss Pai?

I just stay still at my place and seeing Arthit going away from me

But all my assumption is wrong

Arthit didn't chase over Miss Pai instead he's chasing after Mr Deaun

Which is mean he got jealous over Miss Pai for kissing that guy

This is unbelievable

I freeze out

There's a scene that Arthit had created
He forced himself towards Mr Deaun

I saw the ruckus and go save Arthit



Managed to finish the part II 😊

Hope you are enjoying this chapter too

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