Chapter 9: My Family

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I let out a sigh as we headed to the front door. I turned to Lizer," you ready sweetie?" She nodded and got our bags.

Well here goes nothing....

I knocked at the door. When the familiar old orange inkling answered the door his face immediately turned into a smile.

"Ella Sweetheart you're here! Give your old dad a hug" He said pulling me into a crushing hug. My dad was pretty well built since he practically half colossal squid. He may look scary but he's a big old softie when it comes to his family and friends. While my mom was a reef squid as am I.

"Can't breathe...!" I patted his back for him to let me go. When he did his eyes landed on Lizer his smile quickly change into an anger filled. "What are you doing here!" He yelled pulling me protectedly away from Lizer.

Lizer stared blankly not saying anything at my dad but her eyes showed the sadness she was trying to hide. "Hello, we came here to talk sir." she replied in a monotone but I could detect a hint of growling in her voice.

"I have nothing to say to a murdering monster like you!" He spat glaring at her.

"Dad that's enough!" I said standing in front of Him," We didn't come here start any trouble!" I said crossing my arms defiantly.

His face turned into confusion," Ella what are you doing get away from her!" I shook my head no. "No dad we need to talk, where is mom?" As soon as I asked she came into view looking worried.

When she saw Lizer her face showed hurt and guilt?

"Look we only came back to inform you and Mrs. Reef that your daughter and I are engaged and-" Lizer tried to say calmly but my dad was furious.

"What! There is no way in Davy Jones locker I will let my daughter marry you!" He swings his arms around," it's bad enough that you killed my son, now you want my daughter too! Not on your life!"

Lizer's started to growl having heard enough. "Shut up!" she snapped as I saw she the anger in her eyes as she glared at my dad." IT WASN'T MY FAULT!"

"YES IT WAS AND YOU KNOW IT!" My dad yelled back.

"Really!? Do you honestly believe that I wanted myself and Tanly to be kidnapped by Octarians and mutated into this!" She said and showed them her transformation. They both back up in fear." I NEVER WANTED THIS! No I just wanted to show my best friend how cool turf war was, instead we got taken,tortured, beaten and turned into monsters to be sent to kill all inkling."

My mom gasped." Our little Tanly would never do that." Lizer started to laugh bitterly" really? Do you know how I got this scar." She pointed at her left eye where Tobias doing still remain." After Countless tests, ridicules depressing thoughts I got information on that he was still alive I wasted no time in risking my useless life in finding my friend!" She looked down sad," but I was too late he was gone. He wasn't the sweet orange inkling that I know love anymore." She whimpers and started crying. I hugged her whispering that 'it was ok' and 'I gotcha' while holding her.

After she calmed down a bit I told her too go and wait for me by the gate. We weren't going stay with them anyways. When she left I turned to my parents looking hurt and disappointed at them.

" Mom Dad I'm sorry but I love Lizer and nothing you will say would change my mind.  I need her as much as she needs me, we only came here to tell you about our relationship and that we have a child on the way both information that I think you didn't deserve to know." I showed them the container with our egg in it," and you should thank Lizer for convincing me to tell you! The person who was hurt the most in losing my little brother. " I said then left my guilt filled family.

Splatoon: A Beast-Inklings familyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant