Chapter Eight || The Great Car Chase

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I threw on a radiation clothes over my clothes. A little while later, I started filming Doc again.

The Doc inserted the plutonium into the car, making a loud noise and surprising me. "It's safe now. Everything's unloaded." Doc says, and goes back to get his briefcase. "Whoops! Almost forgot my luggage. Who knows if they got cotton underwear in the future? I'm allergic to all synthetics."

"So how far ahead are you going?" I ask.

"About 25 years." Doc replies. "I've always dreamed of seeing the future, looking beyond my years.. seeing the progress of mankind." I see a slight gleam of excitement in his brown eyes.

"Why not?" I ask, grinning.

"I'll also be able to see who wins the next 25 world series." He adds.

"Uh, Doc?" I ask.


"Look me up when you get there."

He nods and grins. "Indeed I will. Roll them."

I start filming again and Doc keeps talking. "I, Doctor Emmett Brown, am about to embark on a historic journey." He chuckles. "What am I thinking? I almost forgot to bring extra plutonium! How am I supposed to get back? One pellet, one trip! I must be out of my mind!"

Einstein starts barking. Casually, not thinking it was anything, Doc asks, "What is it Einstein?"

Me and Doc turn around as a large van was coming into the parking lot. Doc's eyes widen. "Oh my god. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. RUN FOR IT MARTY!" He yells.

"Who?! Who?!" I cried frantically, confused at the immediate change of tone and urgency in his voice.

"Who do you think?" Doc yelled. "THE LIBYANS!"

I looked at the van. Of course! The Libyans were here for the plutonium (and Doc)!

"Holy shit!" I yell, adrenaline rushing through my blood.

"I'll draw their fire!" Doc yells to me, pulling out a gun. He runs the other side of the truck, where the Libyans were waiting. "Doc, wait!" I yelled. I really didn't know if Libyan nationalists would have any mercy on him, and I was sure as hell didn't want to stick around and find out.

It's too late to turn back, though, and Doc goes face to face with the Libyans. My breathing becomes hitched. Were they actually going to shoot someone unarmed? Oh god..

The Doc surrenders, but that doesn't stop the Libyans from shooting. My eyes widen and I feel like crumpling up and dying. "NO! YOU BASTARDS!" I scream.

The Libyans face me, and immediately I regret saying anything. I screw my eyes shut, bracing for my death, but nothing happens. Instead, I open my eyes to see the Libyans struggling with the gun. My eyebrows raise in fascination at this, and I want to celebrate, but obviously this was no time. I run to where the Delorean was and dive into the car. Before shutting the door, though, I look at Doc's body for a minute. I felt terrible, of course, but I also didn't want to end up the same way Doc did.. I shut the door and enter the keys in the ignition.

I try to drive as fast as I can, but it's difficult being in a parking lot and all. "Cmon," I mutter to the car as it swerved, making the speed drastically go down. "Jesus. Move!"

I speed for a bit more and look in my review mirror. "Holy shit!" I exclaim, seeing one of the Libyans had a bomb. I pulled the gear shift back. "Let's see if you bastards can go 90." I mutter, speeding up the car until it got up to 88.

After a minute, when the car hit 88 I look back, not seeing the Libyans. Turning back, I see a random scarecrow that had been mysteriously placed there. "AAAAH!" I shriek, crashing into it and looking back swiftly. I turn around again and see a barn this time. "AAAAH!" I scream once more, as
my helmet to fall onto my face, and I finally crash into the strange barn that laid before my very eyes.

Back to the Future I (Told from Marty Mcfly's POV)Where stories live. Discover now